(cleric/witch variant)
by Wm Jay Carter III, inspired by the Incanter class from Spheres of Power
exemplar exercises faith in an eldritch patron—be it a Stranger, the Soul of
Athanasia itself, or some other powerful otherworldly entity—to bring about
miracles which would never be possible by mortal means. She qualifies for these
abilities by entering into a covenant with the being that supplies her power.
class represents the righteous prophet who serves as the instrument of her
god’s will, the priestess of a nature goddess who does as she will but vows to
harm none, or the willing thrall of a demon who seeks to spread darkness across
the land.
Athanasia, a worshipper of the Light or Dark joins an order and is called a
priestess (male: priest). A devotee of the World Soul joins a coven and
is known as a witch (male: wicker). Each order and coven is different,
even among those of the same eldritch patron, but each is commonly led by an
experienced member who officiates at gatherings and admonishes members to
remain faithful to their oaths.
The ways
an exemplar conducts herself—as well as the nature and extent of her powers—are
based entirely on the terms of her oath. An exemplar’s faithfulness to the oath
is rewarded with an increase in power, eventually permitting her to become one
with the power she serves. Such scions of Strange Power are called avatars.
On the
other hand, breaking her oath can only be interpreted as a rejection of her
patron, leaving herself open to the domination of opposing forces. Such
oathbreakers become hags (male: warlock).
The Fate
sphere best characterizes the influence of the eldritch patron in the life of
the exemplar. Exemplars of the Light or Dark take the associated spheres,
respectively. Exemplars of the World Soul traditionally take the Destruction
sphere, although the Creation and Nature spheres are available to those with an
open mind. Exemplars gain the sphere aligned with their eldritch patron by
virtue of patron-unique sphere-specific drawbacks (see Eldritch Patrons, below). Any other sphere that aligns with the purposes
of the exemplar’s patron is encouraged.
Alignment: Any
Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp (Average 105 gp) In addition, each character
begins with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
The exemplar's class skills are
Craft (Int), Knowledge (Any; Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis),
Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha). Eldritch patrons bestow additional
class skills.
Ranks Per Level: 2 + Int modifier
and Armor Proficiency: Simple Weapons
An exemplar may combine spheres
and talents to create magical effects. An exemplar is considered a High-Caster
and uses Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as her casting ability modifier, as
defined by her eldritch patron. (Note: Exemplars gain 2 bonus talents and must
select an eldritch patron the first time they gain the casting class feature,
granting them the associated features. If an exemplar already has a drawback
associated with her patron when she becomes an exemplar, the exemplar gains
another drawback of her choice. Once made, these choices cannot be changed.)
An exemplar gains a small
reservoir of energy she can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a
spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to her exemplar
level + her casting ability modifier (minimum 1). This pool replenishes once
per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.
Talents: An exemplar gains magic talents according to Table: The Exemplar.
![]() |
Table: The Exemplar |
At 4th, 8th, 12th, and 16th
level, an exemplar gains a bonus feat. This may be spent to gain an extra magic
talent, or any feat which has casting as a prerequisite (Craft Item feats,
metamagic feats, sphere focus, Circle Casting, etc.).
At 1st level, an exemplar must
pledge herself to a specific eldritch patron. The patron defines the exemplar’s
casting ability modifier and grants her divine powers in the form of additional
class skills, a cleric domain and sorcerer bloodline, and a bonus sphere
(gained by virtue of a sphere-specific drawback). An exemplar uses their
exemplar level as their effective cleric or sorcerer level when determining the
power of her abilities.
In addition, each patron sets
forth a number of oaths that the exemplar must follow. If she violates any of
these oaths, she becomes a hag (male: warlock)
(see Oathbreakers, below). The violation of an oath is subject to GM
interpretation. Note that the identity of these patrons might vary depending
upon the campaign setting or GM's preference.
Three deities comprise the
major eldritch patrons in Athanasia. They have various names depending upon the
culture, but are universally associated with Light, Dark, and the World Soul.
Angels, demons, elementals, and the like answer to one of these three.
Exemplars of these patrons do not necessarily gather together, but some
organizations do exist that are comprised of exemplars who have all devoted
themselves to the same patron.
Exemplars of the Light and Dark
are called priests and priestesses and their organizations are called orders.
Exemplars of the World Soul are called wickers and witches and their
organizations are called covens. Orders and covens are presided over by their
most experienced members, or rarely, by representatives of their patron (an
angel, demon, or elemental).
Every patron grants their
exemplars the Neutrality (Fate) sphere-specific drawback, as eldritch patrons
are neither good nor evil, but defined by their very nature and balanced by
their opposites. This grants the exemplar the Fate sphere (or a bonus Fate
talent if the exemplar already has that sphere). Each patron's tradition
imposes an additional sphere-specific drawback which typically grants the
exemplar the associated bonus sphere (or a bonus talent from that sphere if the
exemplar already has it).
Exemplars of Light use Wisdom as their casting ability modifier.
Eldritch Skill: Exemplars
of light gain the following class skills: Diplomacy (Cha), Perception (Wis),
Sense Motive (Wis)
Light Subdomain (Sun), Celestial Bloodline (Empyreal Archetype)
Tradition Drawback:
Touch of Light (Light)
The exemplar must never use darkness to help or hinder
herself, friend, or foe. She must always tell the truth, reveal falsehoods, and
keep no secrets. The exemplar must strive to shine light in dark places.
Exemplars of Dark use Intelligence as their casting ability modifier.
Eldritch Skill:
Exemplars of dark gain the following class skills: Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha),
Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex)
Night Subdomain (Darkness), Shadow Bloodline (Umbral Archetype)
Drawback: Meld into Dark (Dark)
The exemplar must never use light to help or hinder
herself, friend, or foe. She must conceal valuable knowledge from her enemies,
never betray an ally, and reveal no secrets. The exemplar must strive to bring
darkness to light places.
Exemplars of the World Soul use Charisma as their casting ability modifier.
of the World Soul
Exemplars of the World Soul
worship only one aspect of the world, aligned with an element. Upon becoming an
exemplar of the World Soul, choose one of the following elemental packages:
Eldritch Skill: Exemplars
of air gain the following class skills: Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex),
Survival (Wis)
Domain/Bloodline: Storms
Subdomain (Weather), Elemental Bloodline (Air)
Tradition Drawback: Energy
Focus (Destruction) drawback: Air Blast
Oaths: The
exemplar must never use earth, crystal, or stone to help or hinder herself,
friend, or foe (this includes gardening and growing crops). She must strive to
free captives, escape bondage, and never be held back by another's will. The
exemplar must help others to follow their hearts and live their dreams.
Eldritch Skill: Exemplars
of earth gain the following class skills: Appraise (Cha), Climb (Str), Survival
Domain/Bloodline: Caves
Subdomain (Earth), Elemental Bloodline (Earth)
Tradition Drawback: Energy
Focus (Destruction) drawback: Crystal Blast or Stone Blast
Oaths: The
exemplar must never use air to help or hinder herself, friend, or foe (this
does not include breathing). She must accept the consequences of her actions, ensure
that others are held responsible for their actions, and always honor her word (follow
through with what she agrees to do). The exemplar must never permit someone she
views as guilty escape without punishment.
Eldritch Skill: Exemplars
of fire gain the following class skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Intimidate (Cha),
Survival (Wis)
Domain/Bloodline: Ash
Subdomain (Fire), Elemental Bloodline (Fire)
Tradition Drawback: Energy
Focus (Destruction) drawback: Fire Blast
Oaths: The
exemplar must never use cold or water to help or hinder herself, friend, or foe
(this includes drinking). She must always support legitimate challenges to
authority, challenge those whose opinions oppose her own, and accept all
declared challenges. The exemplar must strive to change what she sees as wrong.
Eldritch Skill: Exemplars
of water gain the following class skills: Diplomacy (Cha), Swim (Str), Survival
Domain/Bloodline: Ice
Subdomain (Water), Elemental Bloodline (Water)
Tradition Drawback: Energy
Focus (Destruction) drawback: Frost Blast
Oaths: The
exemplar must never use fire to help or hinder herself, friend, or foe (this
includes for light or cooking food). She must support legitimate claims to
authority, never directly challenge a view that opposes her own, and strive to
avoid conflict. The exemplar must strive to ensure that what she sees as right
If an exemplar breaks one of
her oaths or attempts to change her eldritch patron, she becomes a hag (male: warlock) and immediately falls under the
dominion of an opposing patron. When this happens, she loses all features of
her old patron and gains the features of her new patron except for
domain/bloodline, and oaths. For the purposes of determining which patron a hag
is subjected to, light traditionally opposes dark, fire opposes water, and
earth opposes air.
Hags and warlocks are not bound
by oaths! Instead, their new patron subjects them to a Greater Geas (Fate). A
particularly sadistic patron might command their thralls to perform an
impossible task—such as filling a sieve with water—and watch as they slowly
wither away (from ability penalties) as they fail to perform it. Gracious
patrons might be more lenient and assign a task that amounts to community
The geas of an eldritch patron
is more potent than that of ordinary spellcasters; it cannot be broken through
the Break Enchantment (Life) talent, and even if the hag discovers some way to
fulfill the task and recover her lost ability points, any penalties to her
casting ability accrued over the course of the geas can never be restored
except by the Atonement (Fate) advanced talent (see below).
Hags may continue to progress
in levels as an exemplar under her new patron's influence. To do so, she must
willingly perform the requirements of her new patron's geas without access to a
domain or bloodline for one entire level. Once accomplished, she is released
from the geas and she gains her new patron's domain and bloodline. With neither
geas nor oaths to restrict her, the unbound hag becomes a fearsome force
Some depraved exemplars will
actually make oaths to a patron with plans to break those oaths deliberately
and become a hag on purpose! Planning to become an oathbreaker should always
trigger a plot twist or some other character development event, especially one
that does not work out in the PCs favor.
A hag may reconcile with her
former patron and regain that patron's features if she atones for her
violations as per the Atonement (Fate) advanced talent. If she does so, she also
loses any penalties to her casting ability accrued over the course of her geas.
An alternative school of
thought called the Wu Xing acknowledges five elements of the World Soul instead
of four. These include earth, fire, water, metal, and wood. Instead of
forbidding the use of elements as listed above, the oaths of water and earth
change as follows: water forbids the use of earth and crystal, and earth
forbids the use of wood and plants (which includes eating). Fire forbids the
use of water, as normal. Exemplars who believe in the Wu Xing can choose from
the following aspects of the World Soul in addition to earth, fire, and water:
Eldritch Skill: Exemplars
of metal treat the following as class skills: Appraise (Int), Perception (Wis),
Survival (Wis)
Domain/Bloodline: Metal
Subdomain (Earth), Deep Earth Bloodline
Tradition Drawback:
Material Focus (Creation): Basic Metals [does not provide an extra magic
Oaths: The
exemplar must never use fire to help or hinder herself, friend, or foe (this
includes for light or cooking food). She must never act on emotion, require a
logical reason to intercede in others affairs, and answer gifts and offenses
with the same measure as they were given. The exemplar must never compromise.
Eldritch Skill: Exemplars
of wood treat the following as class skills: Climb (Str), Heal (Wis), Survival
Domain/Bloodline: Plant
Domain, Verdant Bloodline
Tradition Drawback:
Verdant Geomancer (Nature) [custom drawback]: You can only use the Plantlife
package and can only gain (plant) geomancing talents. You cannot gain Expanded
Geomancing, or any (spirit) talents, unless they are also (plant) talents.
Oaths: The
exemplar must never use metal to help or hinder herself, friend, or foe (this
includes money, weapons, and armor). She must promote her patron whenever
possible, defend her coven from harm, and harm none except in defense. The
exemplar must take every opportunity to increase her own stature, prestige, or
Patrons in the Wu Xing
It is possible for an exemplar
who believes in the Wu Xing to change patrons by undergoing a lengthy ritual,
but she may only devote herself to the aspect of the World Soul that follows in
the creative cycle. In the following sequence each element "creates"
the element listed after it: fire, earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. Thus,
an exemplar of water may become an exemplar of wood, and so on. When this
choice is made, she immediately loses all the features of her old patron, and
gains all the features of her new patron, except domain/bloodline. She must
then follow the oaths of her new patron for one entire level without access to
a domain or bloodline. Once accomplished, she gains the domain and bloodline of
her new patron.
It is hypothetically possible
to change patrons in the creative cycle as many times as a character has levels
remaining, although a character that did so would never benefit from domains or
bloodlines. Once reaching level 20, however, it is impossible to change patrons
further, and the character would immediately gain access to the domain and
bloodline of her current patron.
in the Wu Xing
In the Wu Xing, the aspects of
the World Soul oppose one another in a destructive cycle, which is not simply
the opposite of the creative cycle. In the following sequence each element
"destroys" the element listed after it: fire, metal, wood, earth,
water, and fire. Oathbreakers in the Wu Xing are dominated by a patron aligned
with the element which destroys the element of their old patron. Thus, if an
exemplar of wood ever broke an oath, she would become a hag of metal, and so
A hag that wishes to reconcile
with the World Soul through the use of the Atonement (Fate) advanced talent
does not regain the patron she had before becoming a hag. Instead, once
reconciled, she gains the patron and features of the next element in the
creative cycle. Thus a hag of metal who reconciled with the World Soul would
become an exemplar of water (not wood).
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