(druid variant)
by Wm Jay Carter III, inspired by the Hedgewitch class from Spheres of Power
living things were created to create again, and by participating in this circle
of life the dendrite participates in nature’s inherent magic. Like the seed,
the dendrite is meant to grow, achieve the height of her magical potential, and
then pass her strength on to the next generation so that the cycle may
continue. A dendrite sees all things—including herself—as zoe (“alive”), and therefore
equal. She harnesses the land, the animals, and the plants to perform her
magic. This, she believes, gives the lives of her fellow zoe greater purpose
as she increases in wisdom and power.
refer to themselves collectively as the Circle, or the Circle of Life.
While not strictly an order in the same sense as a group of exemplars, it
shares a similar structure. Instead of being led by one dominant leader,
however, each dendrite looks to their elders (whether physical or mental) for
One is
either born a dendrite, or will never be one as long as they live. To be One
Who Knows the Oaks is a birthright of the Strangers’ true descendants. For this
reason, the majority of dendrites are human, although the Circle will not turn
away members who happen to be of another race. They do actively contend against
those that claim the members of the Circle are not the literal descendants of
Strangers, however.
Those who
practice druery (the rituals of the dendrites) but are not descendants of the
Strangers are called rangers. Only by being inducted into the Circle and
participating in the Rites of Fertility can a ranger become eligible for
rebirth within the bloodline. Therefore, if you ask a ranger whether all her
years living with the Circle will ever result in her becoming a dendrite, the
answer must be literally “not in this life.”
known to be of the dendritic bloodline begin their education within the Circle
at a very young age. The initiate is taught of the cyclical path all dendrites
walk. She learns respect for nature, and the rites of the World Soul. She is
encouraged to explore the world and search for some soul, location, or object
that might spark the fire of her Strange Memory.
At some
time during her wanderings, the initiate recognizes a soul with whom she shares
a bond like no other, her animal companion, whom she has known through all her
lives. Her mind begins to open itself to knowledge she once had, other souls
she was once acquainted with, and experience from her former lives. This event,
called the Awakening, marks the beginning of her true life as a dendrite.
dendrite’s awakening continues throughout her life. Indeed, she does not truly
learn new skills or develop new talents, she simply remembers the ones she
already had and picks up where she left off.
dendrites literally dedicate their lives to meditating on their past
incarnations, only to come out of the trance decades later. When they do so,
they bear centuries of experience, and—no matter their apparent age—are
thereafter known as elders, for they have truly become old souls.
have access to the powers of the physical world, favoring the Dark,
Enhancement, Light, Nature, and Weather spheres. Their meditations on the
circle of life make the Death, Divination, and Life spheres logical choices as
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp (Average 105 gp) In
addition, each character begins with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Class Skills
The dendrite's class
skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly
(Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Geography; Int), Knowledge
(Nature; Int), Knowledge (Religion; Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis),
Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex),
Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Simple Weapons
Casting (Su)
A dendrite may
combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. A dendrite is considered
a Mid-Caster and uses Constitution as her casting ability modifier. (Note: All
casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select drawbacks the first time they gain
the casting class feature. Dendrites may not select the Draining Casting
drawback or the Fortified Casting boon.)
Spell Pool
A dendrite gains a
small reservoir of energy she can call on to create truly wondrous effects,
called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to her
level + her Constitution modifier (minimum: 1). This pool replenishes once per
day after roughly 8 hours of rest.
Magic Talents: A dendrite gains magic
talents according to Table: The Dendrite.![]() |
Table: The Dendrite |
Corporal Magic
As the reincarnation
of an ancient master of the living world, the power to sculpt the forces of
nature is literally in a dendrite's blood. It is said that the dendrite may
even be an extension of nature herself. A dendrite uses her Constitution
modifier as her casting ability modifier. As a result, using magic physically
weakens her the more she uses it. This class feature functions as the Fortified
Casting boon and Draining Casting drawback.
One with Nature
A dendrite is never
more at home than in the wild. Over the course of her many lifetimes, her
harmony with nature has always transcended locale and species. At 1st level,
the dendrite gains the Wild Empathy and Woodland Stride druid class features.
At some point over
the course of her previous life, the dendrite formed a powerful relationship
that persisted though time. This may have been a lover, close relative, or even
an animal with whom the dendrite shared a special kinship in her former life.
At 1st level she gains an animal companion—the reincarnation of her
kindred—treating her dendrite levels as druid levels for this purpose. This
animal companion has an Intelligence of at least 6.
Refer to Table: Animal Companions for the advancement of each animal companion. All companions available at 1st level are listed in the Base section of each category (reptiles, mammals, water, and sky). Companions that advance at 4th level are listed in that section, while those that advance at 7th level are listed in the last section.
![]() |
Table: Animal Companions |
A dendrite has an
innate understanding of plantlife and knows how to best utilize each plant's
unique magical properties. The dendrite gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat at
1st level and treats her dendrite level as her caster level when creating
concoctions. A dendrite's levels stack with caster levels from other sources.
She also never suffers a chance to poison herself when applying poisons to a
weapon. This counts as possessing the poison use class feature.
In cosmetic ways,
these brews, pastes, and frothy liquids are far removed from the mass-produced,
magically-generated potions common to urban centers. Though they may have
cruder consistencies, pungent aftertastes, and murky colors, however, a
dendrite's concoctions work precisely the same as their sterile counterparts
and count as potions (or poisons).
Your magical
understanding of herbs is great enough that you may combine common herbs
together and, mixing them with a little of your own magic, create a concoction.
You may create concoctions a total number of times in a day equal to 3 + 1/2
your dendrite level. The materials required to craft a concoction are common
herbs and as such are considered to have a negligible cost. Creating a
concoction takes 1 minute and must be used within 1 hour or lose its potency.
Concoctions must be
drunk (with the exception of herbalist’s poison) and can only affect living
creatures. If a target is unwilling they are allowed a Fortitude save against a
DC of 10 + 1/2 your dendrite level + your Constitution modifier to negate the
You can create the
following concoctions:
Empowering Concoction
The target gains a +2
alchemical bonus to one ability score of your choice (chosen when this
concoction is created) and a -2 penalty to its associated ability
score—Strength/ Intelligence, Dexterity/ Wisdom, Charisma/ Constitution. This
benefit lasts for 1 minute.
At 5th level, the
target no longer suffers a penalty to their inverse ability score. At 9th level,
this benefit lasts for 10 minutes. At 13th level, this benefit lasts for 1
hour. At 17th level, the benefit increases to +4.
Fortifying Concoction
The target gains a +2
alchemical bonus to one saving throw (Fortitude, Will, or Reflex) for 1 minute.
At 5th level, the
target gains a +3 bonus to one saving throw. At 9th level, the benefit to their
saving throw lasts 10 minutes. At 13th level, this benefit lasts 1 hour. At
17th level, the bonus applies to all saving throws.
Healing Concoction
The target is healed
1d6 hit points per 2 dendrite levels you possess (minimum: 1d6).
Dendrite’s Poison
You may create an
injury poison (Fort DC 10 + 1/2 your dendrite level + your Constitution
modifier, frequency 1/rd for 6 rds, 1 save, effect 1d2 damage to any one ability
score, chosen when creating the poison).
At 5th level, the
ability damage increases to 1d4, and you may make the poison ingested instead
of injury. At 9th level, you may make your herbalist poison inhaled or contact.
In addition, you may change the effect to making the target confused for 1
round per level.
At 13th level, your
poison deals 1d6 ability damage. At 17th level, you may change the effect of
your poison to making the target sleep for 1 hour. This sleep is especially
heavy and is similar to the powerful charm version of Sleep (Mind).
Tradition Secrets
Dendrites are part of
an ancient order of nature guardians, which preserves the teachings from the
Advent of the Strangers. The secrets from these teachings include the Strange
Language (Druidic). A dendrite gains Druidic in addition to her regular
allotment of languages and it doesn't take up a language slot. Dendrites are
forbidden to teach Druidic to non-dendrites. The Strange Language uses the
Druidic alphabet.
A dendrite's bonus
language options also include Sylvan, the language of animals (zoe). This choice is in addition to the
bonus languages available to the character because of her race.
At 2nd level and
every even level thereafter, the dendrite gains a secret. You may choose from
the following:
Advanced Companion
Increase your
effective druid level by 4 when determining the strength of your animal
companion, to a maximum effective druid level equal to your character level.
You may take this secret multiple times. The effects stack. (This secret exists
so multi-classed dendrites can still advance their companions.)
Animal Kinship
Choose any weak animal
from Table: Summon Totem Animal from
the Shaman class entry. You gain the ability to converse with all specimens of that
animal as if you were under the effects of Speak with Animal (Nature). At 5th
level select an additional lesser or weak animal. You may speak with and
understand all specimens of that animal as well. At 9th level select
an additional common, lesser, or weak animal. At 13th level select
an additional greater, common, lesser, or weak animal. At 18th level
select any additional animal.
Extra Concoctions
Increase the number
of concoctions you may create in a day by 2.You may select this secret multiple
times. The effects stack.
Herbal Discovery
The dendrite gains
one of the following alchemist’s discoveries, treating her dendrite levels as
alchemist levels and treating her Constitution modifier as her Intelligence
modifier when meeting its prerequisites and determining its effects: Dilution,
Spontaneous Healing, Healing Touch, Enhance Potion, Extend Potion, Eternal
Potion, Elixir of Life, Concentrate Poison. These discoveries apply to her
Herbology concoctions as if they were potions. You may gain this secret
multiple times. Each time it is selected, gain another discovery.
Peer into the Past
The dendrite's
meditations reveal significant details from one of her former lives. During any
hour in which you rest, you may roll any one Knowledge check, even if you do
not have ranks in it, with a bonus equal to your Constitution modifier. If the
dendrite uses this ability while awake, she enters a deep trance and is treated
as if she were asleep. Throughout this hour, the dendrite is entirely unaware
of her surroundings, though any significant interruption (taking damage,
someone speaking louder than normal volume, weather severity 4 or higher, etc.)
will break her concentration and waste the effect. Peer
into the past may not be used more than once in a 24-hour period. This
ability may be used to reroll a failed Knowledge check, but only once per
Potent Concoctions
Instead of only
lasting 1 hour before they become inert, your concoctions last 1 hour per dendrite
Share Health
As an immediate
action, you may take damage up to half your current hit points, and heal your
animal companion the same amount of damage. This cannot heal the target beyond
their maximum hit points. This ability works out to close range.
Share Senses
As a standard action,
you may share senses with your animal companion. For as long as you
concentrate, you can hear, see, and smell what that creature is experiencing.
You gain the benefits of any non-magical special abilities your animal
companion possesses (such as low-light vision or scent), but use your own
Perception skill. This ability functions out to long range.
Store Concoction
You may drink a
potion, poison, or concoction without applying the effects to yourself.
Instead, you may touch a target as a standard action and grant the effects to
that target. You cannot store more than 1 potion, poison, or concoction at a
time in this manner, and if storing a concoction, the concoction still loses
its potency if not used in time.
When you use the Heal
skill to treat deadly wounds, it takes 10 minutes instead of 1 hour. In
addition, you heal the target 2 hit points per HD instead of 1 hit point per
Swift Poison
You may apply poison
to a weapon as a move action instead of a standard action.
Tradition Grand Secrets
At 10th level, add
the following grand secrets to those a dendrite may select when gaining a
Ancient Echoes (requires Peer into the Past)
As the dendrite's
memories of her former lives flow into her waking mind, her past and present
become one. Whenever you use your peer
into the past ability, you gain a bonus to your Knowledge checks equal to
your dendrite level. In addition, your peer
into the past ability takes one minute instead of one hour, and may be used
a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier.
Animal Herald
All friendly animals
within 30 feet of you gain a bonus equal to your casting ability modifier to
all saving throws.
Instant Poison (requires Swift Poison)
You may apply poison
to a weapon as a swift action.
Strange Rebirth
You may use your Heal
skill to treat deadly wounds on a dead target, provided you begin within 10
minutes of when the target died. This takes 4 hours of continuous work and
costs 3 uses of your concoction ability (or three healing concoctions, if you
have them prepared). At the end of this time, make a Heal check against a DC of
10 + the target’s negative hit point total. If you succeed at this check, the
target comes back to life and stabilizes at 1 fewer negative hit points than
would be necessary to kill it, and the target gains 2 temporary negative
levels. If the target has had vital parts removed (i.e., its head, heart, etc.)
it cannot be revived in this manner.
Venom Immunity
You become immune to
all poisons.
Wild Vitality
You become immune to
all diseases.
Tradition Mastery
Elder dendrites
finally harmonize themselves with nature so completely that they can eke every
ounce of potential out of the plants at their disposal. At 20th level, your
healing concoction always heals maximum hit points and your dendrite poison
deals maximum damage. In addition, the dendrite's animal companion develops a
significantly stronger bond with her. Your animal companion gains Spell
Resistance equal to your dendrite level + 11. As a full-round action, you may
summon your companion to your side from anywhere, even across planes. Treat
your dendrite level as your caster level for the purpose of this ability.
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