Showing posts with label Zelda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zelda. Show all posts

Thursday, June 11, 2015

:: Update—New Projects ::

A little update for those of you who have been coming back to read my stuff...

A character I came up with in college. His powers are that he can create portals through space. The circles reminded me of this guy we were studying in design class named Gestalt. I had a lot of fun coming up with his back story. I'll have to tell you all about it sometime. :)

First of all, THANK YOU! As you may have noticed, the pages of this blog have been unspilt of ink lately. That would have been due to the severe into-gear-getting that I put myself through to crank out the aforeposted submission to the Spheres of Power Worldbuilder Semi-Contest. I don't think I've stayed up till 2 in the morning so often since I lived on my own and was still writing my Zelda fan novel.

Here's the link for Shadows of the Past, in case you were curious. And here's the one for Gods of Shadow, the sequel that went on forever...which I consequently never wrapped up. *Sigh.* But I've moved on to some good things, so I'm pretty happy with where I am.

Anyway, current projects! I recently ran though a whole load of old sketches and scanned them in, so you should look forward to seeing some of those sometime soon. Who knows? Thy might even make it into my collection of Grimoire NPCs at some point!

Speaking of which! I'm still Jonesing hardcore on these random NPCs, items, and locations for my Grimoire campaign setting, so look forward to more of those!

At some point I'll be able to reveal the illustrations I did for a new roleplaying supplement from Silver Gryphon Games, which I'll tell you more about as I get closer to posting those. For now, know that it's set in Spartan era Greece, except in Hades. Spartans in Hades? Yeah, that's pretty epic if you ask me.

I'm also talking to my boss at Reliant Apparel—where I work as the Art Director—to see if I can't get my illustrations available for purchase in shirt form. Hopefully, if everything goes according to plan, I should have set up to where you can just order one of my illustrations and either get the shirt shipped to you or you can come in and pick it up at the store for less money. I'm pretty stinkin' excited about that one!

I've got my stuff on Facebook and Twitter, too! Just search for Jay Carter III on FB and tweet me @Jabbergluck. Thanks for checking in with me and I hope you'll come back soon!