Duchess Fendrel
by Wm Jay Carter III, 5/15/15
Homeland: Burgundy
Age: Middle-Aged
Gender: Male
Stature: Short
Physical: Clean-Shaven
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Auburn
Outwardly: Happy
Inwardly: Focused
Profession: Fisherman
Money: Working-Class
Catchphrase: “Good day to you, fellows! Sit with me awhile, for the air is fine and the catches are willing!”
You pause by the gangplank for no more than a moment when a fisherman hails you from the edge of the docks. His auburn hair is pulled back into a stylish tail, and his clean-shaven face makes him appear far younger than he really is. “Good day to you, fellows! Sit with me awhile, for the air is fine and the catches are willing!”