Showing posts with label unicorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unicorn. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2018

:: Orvar and Kaari ::

Hi, my name is AddyCat (pen-name used). I wrote this fairy tale in Mr. Carter's Fairy Tale Workshop Elective at Topeka Collegiate School. Yee.

Orvar and Kaari

by AddyCat

Orvar and Kaari have always shared the same expressions. They’ve both always been quiet. Deep in the Kingdom of the Ice, in the town of Windystad, they both lived. Windystad was a brisk yet unsettling village, always covered in snow. In the very center of it all, laid a hopeless unicorn surrounded in barriers and barriers of security. It was called the Magical Unicorn of Life, and it was said to have incredible powers.

On the edge of the Kingdom of the Sun ― a distant kingdom which was full of warmth ― Sunny Commune was a village with no power like the Kingdom of the Ice. Windystad and Sunny Commune were therefore at war for Windystad’s merchandise.

In the town of Windystad there was also two dragons, named Orvar and Kaari. They had been best friends since before they could remember. They only recollected one thing; their parents were both taken away by the war.