Showing posts with label Merrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merrow. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2018

:: The Legendary Lettuce Leaf ::

The following story was created by myself during the Fairy Tale Workshop elective that I run at Topeka Collegiate School. You will see two more posts from my students who also made fairy tales in my elective. Please enjoy.

The Legendary Lettuce Leaf

By Wm Jay Carter III Deep in the divine, vacant homestead known as Pedestalhame, there lived a merrow woman with a clean look, but wearing repulsive attire. Her name was Huan, and she was smart, resolute and content, but sometimes she could be weak and fragile. Huan would often speak to Tallara in her low, thin voice, saying “I want to protect our nephew, but I fear losing the esteem of our family friend, Frode.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

:: Random Location—Desert of Wūshī Huì ::

Desert of Wūshī Huì
by Wm Jay Carter III, 5/31/15

Land Area: Desert
Nation: Merrow
Condition: Pristine, Elaborate
Weather: Blizzard
Color: Dark Brown
Keyword: Rapture

As you descend the gangplank onto the docks, you pull your cloak tighter against the blustering snow. If not for the blizzard, you might not have seen the invisible tower protruding through the surface of the water at the other end of the boardwalk. As it is, you can only see where the snow gathers and where it does not, outlining an archway in the side of the tower. Entering, you lift your magelight lantern and see the bluish glow of stairs descending into hole in the sea. As you follow them down, the daylight filters through the water just enough to show you the open-air desert of dark brown sand far below the waves. Your breath catches at the sight; you’ve finally found it!

Friday, June 5, 2015

:: Random NPC—Warrun, Córean Druid ::

Warrun (“Sky”)
by Wm Jay Carter III, 5/28/15

Race: Córean (Ravens)
Age: Middle-Aged
Gender: Male
Stature: Tall
Physical: Tattoo on Big Head
Outwardly: Overwhelmed
Inwardly: Moody
Profession: None
Magic: Druid—Awakened
Animal: Whale “Akama”
Catchphrase: “What are you doing here…? Why have you come? Don’t you understand, you’ve ruined everything!”

The wind picks up, tugging the ship along a little faster across the waves of the Eastern Sea. High overhead, a black winged figure circles. With very little preamble the bird-like creature dives, cutting through the air between it and the ship. Alighting on the edge of the crow’s nest, the Córean cocks its large head to the side to get a better look at you. When he hops down, landing only feet away, you notice a large portion of his head feathers have molted off, revealing a tattoo of a stylized whale. “What are you doing here…? This ship can't be here! Don’t you understand, you’ve ruined everything!”