Showing posts with label Hairdresser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hairdresser. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2015

:: Random NPC—Nanny Gregoria ::

Nanny Gregoria
by Wm Jay Carter III, 5/17/15

Homeland: Benevento
Age: Old
Gender: Female
Stature: Short
Physical: Muscular
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blonde
Outwardly: Livid
Inwardly: Lazy
Profession: Hairdresser
Money: Poor
Catchphrase: “Get out or I’ll rip that sorry excuse for a mane off your head one hair at a time!”

You step inside the cathedral and cast your eyes about to find your contact. “Get out you worthless no-accounts!” a woman’s voice echoes around the nave. To your right, a short old woman leans forward in her chair. Despite her age, her biceps are surprisingly well-developed. “Get out or I’ll rip that sorry excuse for a mane off your head one hair at a time!” You pause warily, certain that the woman could make good on her threat, but uncertain as to whether or not she will.