Showing posts with label Euzoria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Euzoria. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2017

:: Euzoria Mercantile—Magical Tools ::

Euzoria is the capital city of all humanity in Athanasia. The presence of magic there is ubiquitous, as countless mage academies produce generation after generation of brilliant arcane minds. All of this has led Euzoria down a path of magical revolution rather than a technological one.

Still in the iron age for the most part, magic now offers Euzoria modern conveniences in the form of prevalent magical tools: hammers that do the work of ten hammers with a single blow, ropes that coil themselves, a never-ending ball of yarn, and so on. Below are listed some of the common magical tools that might be found in human civilizations near and far across Athanasia.

Some items are based on existing Pathfinder items but have been renamed to avoid references that do not exist in Athanasia. Other items have been adapted to make more sense within the world of Athanasia.

Alarm Bell                                                                                     
Price: 50 gp
Developed by bored mages to make close observation of the guild entrance unnecessary, these enchanted silver bells proved more costly than they were worth. Now, they are used by those who wish to be alerted if a particular area is ever entered without their knowledge. Each small silver bell can be activated by touching it to an object or building and speaking aloud the activation word and a radius distance (up to 20 feet). Thereafter, any time a creature of tiny or larger size enters the area without the bell on their person, the bell will ring (so long as it is within 1 mile of the object or building at the time). After one use it becomes an ordinary silver bell. It can be re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Animate Object (Enhancement) Talent for 50 gp.

Bag & Tag Bola                                                                            
Price: 50 gp
This leather and wood bola is enchanted with negative energy. On a successful hit, the bola inflicts 1d4 points of damage. In addition, the target must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or be fatigued for 2 rounds. As Death magic is forbidden by the Wizard's Creed, these bolas are only crafted by experienced hedgemages or errant archmages, and are considered contraband in civilized areas. Law officials are more lenient if such items are only used for hunting purposes.

Comforting Comforter                                                                
Price: 1800 gp
Upon speaking the command word, anyone under this blanket becomes shielded from outside temperatures, permitting them to sleep as if under the effects of the Endure Elements spell. The blanket is large enough to cover 1 medium creature, up to 2 small creatures, or up to four tiny creatures (two at each end).

Diviner's Tent                                                                              
Price: 60 gp
This small dome-shaped tent is supported by three flexible rods and can be assembled in 20 minutes. Meditating inside the tent for 10 minutes permits you to divine neaby sources of magic (as per the Divination Sphere power). At the end of the 10 minutes, each source of magic appears on the inside of the tent as a glowing dot of a different color (one for each Sphere), and size (for the strength of that source's aura). Next to each dot appears a magical script indicating the distance to the detected magical source. After one use, this tent loses all magical properties and becomes an ordinary small tent. It can re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Divination Sphere for 50 gp.

Dueller's Cloakpin                                                                      
Price: 1500 gp
Operates as a Brooch of Shielding. Also protects against the Destructive Blast (Destruction) Sphere power, so long as the blast is unmodified by additional Talents.

Flint and Shale                                                                            
Price: 50 gp
The shale from this pair of stones has been enchanted with magical darkness. Striking the two stones together creates a 10-foot radius sphere of darkness centered on the flint component (as per the Darkness Sphere talent). This darkness lasts for 1 round and then dissipates. This process destroys the shale component of the set. A new piece of magically prepared shale can be purchased from an enchanter with the Darkness Sphere for 50 gp.

Hedgemage's Cloak                                                                    
Price: 2500 gp
Originally crafted by archmage instructors at the Wizard's Academy for classroom practice, these cloaks are known to "go missing" on graduation day and find their way into the free market where hedgemages and other delinquents make use of them for their own purposes. Analogous to a Cloak of the Hedge Wizard, the Hedgemage's Cloak comes in up to 20 varieties; one for each Sphere of magic. Each cloak grants the wearer the Sphere powers and two specific Talents from one Sphere, chosen upon the cloak's creation. The cloak does not grant the wearer spell points or the benefits of actually having any sphere of magic. Each Sphere Talent may be applied up to once per day (CL 1). Cloaks of Death and War are especially rare, and are forbidden by the Wizard's Creed.

Hedgemage's Hand                                                                     
Price: 900 gp
Operates as a Hand of the Mage. This simple amethyst hanging from a golden chain grants the wearer the use of the Telekinesis sphere power as if they had the Telekinesis Sphere. It does not grant spell points or any other benefits of having the Telekinesis Sphere.

Infinite Pincusion                                                                        
Price: 2000 gp
Operates per a Robe of Needles without using an item slot.

Infinite String                                                                              
Price: 2000 gp
Operates per a Robe of Infinite Twine without using an item slot.

Instant Campfire                                                                         
Price: 60 gp
This corked small clay pot is inscribed with runes around its mouth and filled with a gelatinous fuel similar to that in a stove can. Smashing the pot releases the gelatinous fuel over a square foot area. Upon exposure to air, it immediately ignites, dealing 1d3 points of damage per round to anything touching it. It will continue to burn for 2 and a half hours until extinguished. In addition, as long as you concentrate on the fire, it enlarges per the Affect Fire (Nature) Sphere power, covering a 2.5 foot area and dealing 1d6 points of damage per round to anything touching it. Once you cease concentrating, or if your concentration is broken, the fire reverts to its original size and continues to burn for the duration. Wood or other fuel added to the fire before it is extinguished burns as normal.

Keen Whetstone                                                                          
Price: 750 gp
Upon drawing this whetstone along the edge of a piercing or slashing weapon, arrowhead, crossbow bolt, or shuriken, the affected weapon becomes magically keen for the next hour, as per the Keen Edge spell. The whetstone afterwards becomes an ordinary whetstone. It can be re-enchanted for 750 gp by an enchanter with the Deadly Weapon (Enhancement) Talent.

Knucklebone Dice Set                                                                
Price: 4800 gp
Operates per a Robe of Bones without using an item slot. Carved from the knuckebones of an ogre, this identical pair of six-sided dice are decorated with images of a different undead creature on each face. When rolled, each six-sided die conjures the bones of a particular creature and assembles them into an undead form. The creature summoned corresponds to the image showing on the top of the die, after which the image of that creature vanishes from the die. If the face of the die that points up is blank, nothing happens. One or both dice may be rolled at a time.

Medic's Mess Kit                                                                        

Price: 50 gp
Each piece of this horn mess kit is inscribed with an identical small rune and is imbued with Life magic. When you feed a wounded creature any food or drink from this mess kit, that creature immediately gains 1 temporary hit point, as per the Invigorate (Life) Sphere power. Afterwards it becomes an ordinary mess kit. It can be re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Life Sphere for 50 gp.

Messenger's Boots                                                                      
Price: 1000 gp
Operates as a Quick Runner's Shirt, but uses the feet slot instead.

Oathkeeper Band                                                                       

Price: 1000 gp
Operates as a Phylactery of Faithfulness. There are eight varieties—Light, Dark, Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, and Wood—one for each of the Eldrich Patrons available to Exemplars.

Pirium Manacles                                                                        
Price: 100 gp
These masterwork manacles are made of cold-forged pirium. They are not enchanted, but rely on the natural magic-draining properties of pirium to function. Not typically used unless a criminal is also a spellcaster, pirium manacles are the alternative to a wunderkind voluntarily wearing a pirium torc inside civilized areas. Guard captains might be issued a pair of pirium manacles, and several may be kept in guardhouses.

Pirium Torc                                                                                

Price: 100 gp
This finely-crafted torc is made of cold-forged pirium. It is not enchanted, but relies on the natural magic-draining properties of pirium to function. Wearing one is required of wunderkinder while inside most civilized communities. Guards of human communities, especially gate-house guards, may be issued a pirium torc explicitly for this purpose.

Phantasmagoria, Major                                                            

Price: 750 gp
This phantasmagoria functions like a Silent Phantasmagoria, except that it can capture sound, smell, and thermal information and include them in the illusion it casts when lit (as per the Major Image spell). The range for capturing and casting is a 30-foot cone. Unused reservoirs of oil for a Major Phantasmagoria can be purchased for 750 gp from an enchanter with the Illusion Sphere.

MAJOR PHANTASMAGORIA OIL: This reservior of magically prepared oil can be installed in a Major Phantasmagoria and burns for 1 hour. A spellcaster can also fabricate an illuison to capture inside the oil by casting Major Image or an equivalent spell. This functions like Silent Phantasmagoria Oil in all other respects.

Phantasmagoria, Minor                                                            
Price: 300 gp
This phantasmagoria functions like a Silent Phantasmagoria, except that it can capture some minor sounds (but not understandable speech) and include them in the illusion it casts when lit (as per the Minor Image spell). The range for capturing and casting is a 25-foot cone. Unused reservoirs of oil for a Minor Phantasmagoria can be purchased for 300 gp from an enchanter with the Illusion Sphere.

MINOR PHANTASMAGORIA OIL: This reservoir of magically prepared oil can be installed in a Minor Phantasmagoria and burns for 1 hour. A spellcaster can also fabricate an illuison to capture inside the oil by casting Minor Image or an equivalent spell. This functions like Silent Phantasmagoria Oil in all other respects.

Phantasmagoria, Silent                                                             
Price: 50 gp
This finely-crafted bullseye lantern has embossed images of ghostly people and animals swirling along its framework and contains a small reservoir of magically prepared oil that can burn for up to 1 hour. When activated, the phantasmagoria captures visual-only information from a 20-foot cone out in front of it with perfect accuracy, storing this information in the magical oil in its reservoir. It continues to do so for up to 1 hour or until deactivated. When the lantern is lit, it casts a visual illusion of the information stored in the reservoir in a 20-foot cone (as per the Silent Image spell). The illusion matches the light level of the captured information, raising darkness to the level of light captured. The illusion continues until the oil is spent, or until the flame inside is extinguished, at which point any remaining information is lost, and any remaining oil loses all magical properties. After capturing information but before lighting the lantern, the phantasmagoria's reservoir of magical oil can be removed and installed in another phantasmagoria, which can then be lit to cast the captured illusion. Actors have used this method to capture and sell their silent performances, which are later displayed for the public, accompanied by music. Unused reservoirs of oil for a Silent Phantasmagoria can be purchased for 50 gp from an enchanter with the Illusion Sphere.

SILENT PHANTASMAGORIA OIL: This reservoir of magically prepared oil can be installed in a Silent Phantasmagoria and burns for 1 hour. A spellcaster can also fabricate an illuison to capture inside the oil by casting Silent Image or an equivalent spell. The spellcaster must concentrate on the spell for as long as the illusion is intended to last. If the spellcaster's concentration is broken, or the spellcaster ceases concentrating, the illusion will cease at that point when cast by the phantasmagoria, no matter how much oil remains.

Polymorph Poncho                                                                    
Price: 750 gp
Pale imitations of a Skinchanger's Cloak, these coverings were developed to level the playing field between mages and rangers. This poncho has been woven with tufts of fur, chunks of chitin, downy feathers, and small bones. When the hood of the poncho is raised and drawn shut with the drawstring, it permits the wearer to shapeshift (per the Alteration Sphere power) into an incomplete animal form for 1 minute. After 15 uses, it becomes an ordinary poncho. It can be re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Alteration Sphere or 750 gp. Possible forms are as follows: Bat's Ears (Darkvision 60'), Eagle's Eyes (Low-light Vision), Lion's Claws (2 Claw attacks), Wolf's Teeth (1 Bite attack), Bull's Horns (1 Gore attack), Gorilla's Arms (2 Slam attacks), Crab's Claws (2 Pincer attacks).

Reanimation Bag                                                                       
Price: 50 gp
This burlap body bag has been loosely sewn along the edges and enchanted with necromantic magic. A dead body or a collection of bones (from a single medium-sized creature) can be placed in this bag as a full-round action. Then, as a standard action, you may shake the contents of the bag as if to waken the occupant. The creature inside the bag is immediately reanimated as per the Reanimate (Death) sphere power and may burst out of the bag as a movement action. The bag is destroyed in the process. As Death magic is forbidden by the Wizard's Creed, Reanimation Bags are only crafted by experienced hedgemages or errant archmages, and are considered contraband in civilized areas.

Repair Hammer                                                                        
Price: 50 gp
This simple ball-peen hammer has a steel head and a polished shaft. A rudimentary rune has been carved into the base of the handle. Upon lightly tapping an object with the hammer, the object gains 1d4 hit points as per the Repair (Creation) sphere power. If this would raise the object to more than half its hit points, it loses the broken condition as well. After one use, this hammer becomes an ordinary ball-peen hammer. It can be re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Creation Sphere for 50 gp.

Self-coiling Rope                                                                       
Price: 50 gp
This 50-foot rope has been enchanted to follow a simple command (as per the Animate Rope spell). After following this command, it becomes an ordinary length of rope. It can be re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Animate Object (Enhancement) Talent for 50 gp.

Self-embedding Piton                                                               
Price: 50 gp
This finely-crafted 6-inch steel spike has a ring on the end to which a rope can be tied. It has been enchanted with bludgeoning magic. If struck or thrown against a surface into which it could be hammered normally, it automatically embeds itself deep enough to keep a solid hold as if hammered in by a sledge. If a creature is struck by the piton as part of a melee or ranged attack, it deals 1d6 piercing damage and imbeds itself into the creature's body. It can threafter be removed with a movement action. At the GM's discretion, called shots might be made with a Self-embedding Piton for a variety of effects. For example, a called shot to a foot might constitute a ranged trip attempt (as with a bola), whereas a called shot to a hand could pin it to a wall or table depending on the circumstances. A Self-embedding Piton becomes an ordinary steel piton after use. It can be re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Destruction Sphere for 50 gp.

Skinchanger's Cloak                                                                 

Price: 3750 gp
Not a cloak in the traditional sense, this enchanted hide was harvested from an animal and magically enhanced using Strange Wisdom. When worn over the shoulders, it permits the wearer to assume the form of the animal from which it was harvested once per day as per the wild shape ability. Rangers who have access to the secrets of the Circle make their own Skinchanger Cloak and use it to join their Dendrite fellows on midnight hunts. The secret of crafting a Skinchanger's Cloak is jealously guarded by the Circle, along with all other Strange Wisdom. As such, these items cannot be crafted outside the Circle and can only be found (or stolen).

Spelunker's Vest                                                                        
Price: 3000 gp
Operates per a Corset of the Vishkanya.

Suggestion Wire                                                                        
Price: 65 gp
This 2-foot length of thin silver wire comes wrapped around a clay spool inscribed with a single rune. The wire may be wrapped around any stick or wooden dowel as a full-round action. Pointing this wire-wrapped wand at a creature within close range and speaking a suggestion aloud permits you to cast Suggestion on the target as per the Lesser Charm version of the Suggestion (Mind) Sphere power. Afterwards, the wire loses all magical properties and becomes ordinary silver wire. It can be re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Mind Sphere for 50 gp.

Teleport Bag                                                                              

Price: 50 gp
This pair of leather bags is waterproofed with pitch. Each pair is stamped with identical runes of a given color to make them easily distinguishable from other such bags. So long as one bag is empty and within Close range, the other can be filled with up to 4 cubic feet of adventuring gear and other supplies. Upon cinching the full bag shut, the contents are instantly teleported into the other bag per the Teleport Sphere power, after which both bags lose all magical properties and become ordinary waterproof bags. They can be re-enchanted by an enchanter with the Teleport Sphere for 50 gp.