Showing posts with label Ecstatic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecstatic. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2015

:: Meet Some New Faces—Frederick the Leader ::

I was recently inspired by a favorite gaming company of mine, Silver Gryphon Games, who post a weekly description for an RPG setting with randomly rolled characteristics. I offered to contribute some content for them along the same lines for NPCs, items, and places of interest based on my own randomized tables. They liked the idea and said they'd try out several to see what kind of reception they got.

Then I realized: I've got my own darn blog.

With the randomized tables, I figured I could come up with any number of possible people, places, and things. It would be a great creative exercise, and who knows? Someone from one of the bigger RPG companies (Paizo, and Wizards of the Coast, I'm lookin' at you) might see my work and like it. If nothing else, it lets me spill some ink. So without further ado, let's do this:

Frederick the Leader
by Wm Jay Carter III, 5/10/15

Homeland: León
Age: Young
Gender: Female
Stature: Short
Physical: Hunchback
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Jet
Outwardly: Uncomfortable
Inwardly: Ecstatic
Money: Working Class
Profession: Blacksmith
Catchphrase: "Um, hullo. What can I… That you want something?"

As you pass through the market, your attention is drawn to the blacksmith’s stall—not because an attendant is calling at you, but because there is no attendant at all. Approaching, you see the misshapen hunched figure of a small child beating away at warm metal in the corner. Realizing you’re there, the child turns around, surprising you to learn that not only is it a girl, but that she is much older than you originally thought. “Um, hullo... “ she begins uncertainly, playing with her long jet hair. “What can I… That you want something?”