Friday, December 14, 2018

:: Orvar and Kaari ::

Hi, my name is AddyCat (pen-name used). I wrote this fairy tale in Mr. Carter's Fairy Tale Workshop Elective at Topeka Collegiate School. Yee.

Orvar and Kaari

by AddyCat

Orvar and Kaari have always shared the same expressions. They’ve both always been quiet. Deep in the Kingdom of the Ice, in the town of Windystad, they both lived. Windystad was a brisk yet unsettling village, always covered in snow. In the very center of it all, laid a hopeless unicorn surrounded in barriers and barriers of security. It was called the Magical Unicorn of Life, and it was said to have incredible powers.

On the edge of the Kingdom of the Sun ― a distant kingdom which was full of warmth ― Sunny Commune was a village with no power like the Kingdom of the Ice. Windystad and Sunny Commune were therefore at war for Windystad’s merchandise.

In the town of Windystad there was also two dragons, named Orvar and Kaari. They had been best friends since before they could remember. They only recollected one thing; their parents were both taken away by the war.

:: Tiwlip and Glaucio ::

Wassup, I'm Spaghetti (pen-name used), and this is my fairy taaaaaaaale. I wrote it in Mr. Carter's Fairy Tale Workshop Elective at Topeka Collegiate School. Read it and stuff. Yee.

Twilip and Glaucio

by Spaghetti

There once was a girl named Tiwlip (SMAK). She lived in the kingdom of Valleyland. Raging on the outskirts of Valleyland was a terrible war in which Tiwlip and her brother, Glaucio, lost their mother and father. Tiwlip did not have enough money so she lived in the town inn and Glaucio lived in the children’s orphanage. Both of them were unhealthily skinny.

One night Glaucio stayed with his sister in the inn and he had a terrible nightmare. In it they had starved to death. So Glaucio stole food and money from places in the town, and the authorities blamed Tiwlip. She is sentenced to death and Glaucio tried to get out of town.

On the way, he ran into a random traveller named Atl, whom he asked to save Tiwlip. After Atl saved Tiwlip (KLAP, KLAP) they set out to find Glaucio, who had run out of town for fear of the truth being discovered.

On the way to find Glaucio, Tiwlip and Atl encountered the legendary Ginger Cappuchin, a monkey that hates all humans. Tiwlip and Atl conquered the Ginger Cappuchin in battle and so the monkey joined them on their quest to find Glaucio.

After walking for many miles, they found boot prints with a distinctive “X” pattern. Tiwlip recognized these as Glaucio’s boots. They followed the boot prints to a bush where Glaucio was hiding. When Glaucio asked Tiwlip why she had come after him, she replied that she would never want to be without him; he was her only family.

It was at that moment that Atl revealed himself for his true identity: the prince named Antinanco. He was a (slam) angel with brown hair and beautiful feathery wings. Because Tiwlip and Glaucio were both refugees and had little to their names, the prince invited them to stay at his palace on a cloud called Mount Olympus. In time, Antinanco and Tiwlip were engaged, and they all died happily ever after.

The End


:: The Legendary Lettuce Leaf ::

The following story was created by myself during the Fairy Tale Workshop elective that I run at Topeka Collegiate School. You will see two more posts from my students who also made fairy tales in my elective. Please enjoy.

The Legendary Lettuce Leaf

By Wm Jay Carter III Deep in the divine, vacant homestead known as Pedestalhame, there lived a merrow woman with a clean look, but wearing repulsive attire. Her name was Huan, and she was smart, resolute and content, but sometimes she could be weak and fragile. Huan would often speak to Tallara in her low, thin voice, saying “I want to protect our nephew, but I fear losing the esteem of our family friend, Frode.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

:: Gullystead, Forest Village ::

Just a quick stroll through a village. Enjoy.


I was walking along Market Street at Gullystead. The sun shone down through the sparse clouds on the tables spread with emerald green fabrics, the scorching air filled with the scent of freshly baked sugar cookies sitting on the windowsill of the bakery nearby. The street itself was fairly short, but wide and filled with curiosities, so after I passed along one side I immediately turned around and walked down the other side (chewing the warm cookie I had bought at the bakery).
A vendor—Itri’s Diverse Diversions—sold wooden jewelry, and I found a ring made of cedar wood that I thought a friend of mine might like. I picked it up, held it to my nose and inhaled slowly to take in the wood’s natural sharp musk. After I paid for the trinket I thanked the merchant, a short twig-folk girl by the name of Itri. Her small hands—full of fingers like spider’s legs—would have alarmed any who were not used to her kind, the Winslies. But for me, who had seen many of her kin selling their fine long blue-steel carpets in the villages east of the Great Chasm, she was a familiar sight.
She wore a practical outfit and a wary demeanor, but I introduced myself and asked how long she had been here, at Gullystead. She seemed to take my friendly approach in kind and replied that she had only been here a day or two and was just passing through. In her breathy voice she explained that she had gone out into the world to find out who she really was. Another Winslie emerged from behind a curtain and exchanged trays of items on the table, never looking at me and never saying a word before disappearing behind the curtain again.
The other Winslie was her brother, Fron, Itri explained. She admitted sheepishly that she was afraid of being separated from him, which was probably what kept her in the stall and not out and about on such a sunny day.
She tugged the hem of her hood lower over her eyes in a polite gesture—it was the Winslie custom to cover their eyes to reassure others that they meant no harm. For, you see, their eyes were a literal shock to behold, as they flashed like silent lightning when they became alarmed. Itri was nothing but friendly, however, and after a brief chat I thanked her again for the ring and went on my way.
Gullystead appeared to be a simple, bustling village in the Beryllian Forest. “Population 82,” a small sign had said as I came in. And that was after one of the villagers had stopped by to change it from “81.” Evidently a baby had been born the night before.
As I walked from Market Street to the shrine near the gully outside of the village, I felt the prickle of magic dance over my skin; there must have been a leyline running through the area. Sure enough, I saw a heavy glistening stone carved into the shape of a dwarven house-deity—a sure sign that the Fairy Faith was practiced by someone in the village. The stone itself was ice white, inlaid with eyes of blue quartz.
At the foot of the figure I saw that there was a clean clay bowl with three small pebbles of azurite inside—an offering for the Fey. Someone had also offered a short spear with a lindenwood haft and a head made entirely of glass. Several offerings of fruit were also laid nearby, and I thought a moment about what I could leave behind out of respect for the local gods. I pulled the cedar ring out of my pocket and considered it. My friend could do without a ring this time; there would always be more baubles. Holding it under my nose one last time, I inhaled the sharp cedar musk and laid it inside the bowl beside the azurite.
Stepping back, I took in the sight of the shrine as a whole. It was appealing and clean, a sign that the villagers of Gullystead truly respected their gods. I suddenly felt more honored to have been among them that day.
My final stroll took me along the gully, a long and dirty scar across the otherwise thick and shady linden forest. Coffee beans dangled in vines from the branches, adding their scent to the forest air, now cooler under the canopy. Deep in the gully I saw deposits of sandstone, and a discarded set of padded clothing. I paused and wondered whether it had been thrown there, or if someone down in the gully had removed it before undertaking some dubious action. At last I decided my mind had run away with me, and I went on my way, soon to see some other place, with more things I had never seen before.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

:: NPCs - Adventuring Party 1 ::

So as to not spoil the future plot for my Tales of Athanasia players, I have named this post (and will probably name future posts) generically in the main title and then get more specific in the body of the post. Don't let the bland titles fool you, though—plenty of juicy detail below.

A small sample of the minis
I have yet to paint.
A bit of backstory: I've been gathering up all my unpainted minis and painting them (hereafter known as the Miniblitz) so I can group them together and start making encounters. As I did so, I found that I had, like, a crap-ton of unique adventurer minis. This is great for my players, because I will usually have something close to their character for them to use. (Cue Tevia voice) On the other hand, the Miniblitz has landed me with all these unused adventurer minis and nothing to do except throw the occasional villain at the party, which just goes way too slowly for me.

My solution has been to create villainous (or at least antagonistic) adventuring parties to give the PCs a big challenge up front and then let them use their first encounter to figure out how to take them down the next time. They might go find them later at their home-base and fight them one room at a time, or research each adventurer's weakness and exploit it to make an all-out battle that much easier. Plus, I don't plan on levelling up the opposing party, so the battle will automatically feel more manageable to the PCs if they level before encountering their rivals again. This makes for fun recurring foes, and gives the players a through-line for a particular plot arc. At least, that's my theory; I haven't actually tried it yet.

Wish me luck.

:: Einar's Pack - Creation Tower ::

Einar is the notable Fenris barbarian who was the first to be cursed with Zoanthropy, the equivalent to Lycanthropy in the Grimoire campaign setting. The main difference between Zoanthropy and Lycanthropy is that any given human or halfling has a particular animal ancestry, and Zoanthropy brings out that ancestry rather than always turning the afflicted into a wolf. The result is that those bitten by Einar contract the curse and are forced into the form of their animal ancestors at the full moon. As a Fenris, Einar becomes an enormous wolf in his full zoe (animal) form and rampages through vulnerable villages and hamlets, perpetuating his fame and the fear of his name, which means "Lone Wolf."

Sunday, October 28, 2018

:: Esha and Aasha, Serpentfolk Mage and Companion ::

As a follow-up to my tale Medusa and the Serpentine Gallery, I give you the matriarch of the Serpentine family, and oldest living daughter of Medusa of Wellstan, Esha Serpentine. Included are the stats for Esha's serpent companion, Aasha.

Esha and Aasha

Saturday, October 27, 2018

:: Medusa and the Serpentine Gallery ::

I consider traditional fantasy an apt love letter to the fertile legends and folklore of our ancestors, but with the unfortunate side effect that they rarely explain the origins of the strange inherent forms and magical origins found in the source material. Is every minotaur in a role-playing game the love child of a lusty queen and a bull as the traditional myths recount? Why do werewolves transform into wolves at the full moon? Why do sirens sing so beautifully that ships wreck themselves upon the rocks?

In the spirit of explaining where medusas come from in my world, I present to you Medusa and the Serpentine Gallery.

Medusa and the Serpentine Gallery
by Wm Jay Carter III

Once there was a family of artisans who came to the city of Wellstan. They were all exceptional painters, potters, and carvers, but one daughter, Medusa, was a sculptor of surpassing skill. It was said that her work was so life-like that—once it was painted—it could hardly be distinguished from the subject.

Medusa was as beautiful as she was talented, and when the family came to the city, she was sought after by many suitors, who continuously crowded her with their pleas of devotion. “Come to the gallery,” she would tell them. “If you truly wish to know me, come and see my work, for there is my true soul for all to see.”

Friday, October 12, 2018

:: Mollymauk Tealeaf (ToA) ::

Mollymauk Tealeaf is one of my favorite characters from the latest season of Critical Role. Avoiding spoilers and long-windedness, I felt it was a fitting tribute to Taliesin Jaffe and his creation to include Molly in my own campaign as an NPC. In the Tales of Athanasia universe, Molly is a tiefling wunderkind who throws tarot cards with fey flair and telekinetically assaults his foes with a silver scimitar.

I give you Mollymauk Tealeaf (Tales of Athanasia).

Art credit: Fiona Staples

Saturday, October 6, 2018

:: Sparrowville (Wellstan), Tundra City ::

Emerging from the tree line, you see the City of Wellstan come out of hiding. High on the cliff to your left is the mage's academy, large and imposing, creeping as it were over the edge as if ready to jump from the top of the icy waterfall to come crashing down on the common buildings below. The blanket of night offers camouflage for the numerous winged forms flying up and down from the city to the academy and back, the sequins of stars being blackened only momentarily as seraphs pass before them.

A century ago, Wellstan was a miserable, blustery place, plagued with bitter winds and constant snowstorms. Then a young córvean woman—the archmage of the local Weather Guild—discovered that the storms were caused by the presence of a particularly strong ley node atop the cliff that overshadowed the town. To manage the location, the Wizard's Tribunal built a tower over the ley node and announced that they would appoint a wizard to reside there.

The people of Wellstan welcomed the security and resources a wizard would bring to their humble community. That is, until they discovered who had been given stewardship over the tower—the archmage of the Weather Guild herself. Though a talented magical practitioner, she was criticized by the townspeople for having the absent-mindedness of a sparrow. All watched with a mix of anxiety and trepidation as she was granted a staff, the coveted title of wizard, and residence at the newly-built tower as a reward for her discovery.

Monday, September 3, 2018

:: Themadale, Savanna Settlement ::

As you approach the settlement ahead on the sweltering, parched savanna, you are met with the sight of a hauntingly roomy collection of buildings. As you get closer you realize that the largest is a clinic, with several duckfolk coming and going, all with head trauma. Near the cairn at the edge of the settlement's boundaries, you overhear a young bórean chastising a leonian cub:

"No more going to the shallow cave, Gwandoya. From here on out, you can go no further than the glen. Just because you run a bookshop doesn't mean you're immortal. Look at the other folk who went looking for the buckler. I know they say it's gold, but who's seen it? And the pendants of protection the clinic keeps passing out clearly don't work."

:: Loot Batch #2 ::

:: Lalawethika, Siren Aristocrat ::

The male merfolk before you wears rustic clothing and a gloomy expression. As he pulls himself out of the water you see a long tail follow after, swathed with swooping tropical patterns. After he finds a suitable place to coil this tail and sit upright, you notice that one of his fingers has been replaced with a prosthetic one made from fishbone. Scaly leather stretches where the webbing would be, held in place by rings at the base and tip of the neighboring fingers. "Allow me. To introduce. Myself." says the siren noble in his low, helpful voice, being careful and deliberate with his words. "I am. Lalawethika. Let us discuss. The matter at hand."

Thursday, August 23, 2018

:: Loot Batch #1 ::

Now that I've had some time to use my random People, Places, and Things generator for a bit, I've found that it's really efficient to just run up one page of "Things" at a time, print it out, cut up the items, and hand them out to my players as needed. Because each "batch" contains one weapon, one armor, one slot item, one grimoire, and so on, they are also really great for describing what a given auto-generated NPC might have on them (omitting the things that don't make sense, like armor on a mage).

For this reason, when it comes time to dole out loot, I usually describe the items as being on some dead adventurer who met their fate facing the challenge I just got done putting in front of the PCs.

"You fall down the pit, being impaled by the spikes at the bottom. Next to you lies the body of a dead adventurer, a spike impaling his skull. He's wearing some pretty nice gear, though, and you think you could salvage some of it...once you get off the spikes yourself..."

Got a big monster? Even better.

"As your finishing blow slices across the chimera's belly, the contents of its stomach spill out as well. Besides an assortment of crunched and chewed animal parts, you see a mostly-intact corpse that the chimera seems to have swallowed whole. Most of the adventurer's gear has survived the stomach acid for this long, and is probably still usable..."

So, here's your first batch of loot. Give it to one or two NPCs, dead or alive, and enjoy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

:: Riverkirk, Coastal Thorp ::

Established where the river empties into the sea, Riverkirk is a hot, blasted thorp on the coast with a population of only 13: four humans, three ranai, two córeans, and a pigfolk, plus relatives. Nearly all the residents are merchants, and to the casual visitor it seems to have been a travelling co-op that forgot to pick up and keep moving one day.

Two of the merchants—Carina of "Carina's Unsurpassed Earplugs", and Dural of "The Charging Sticks"—are candlemakers, and each will say they were the first to offer their services to Riverkirk and the other is just a latecomer. Carina clearly just wants to make an honest living, but Dural seems to have less-than-savory motives...

Those who wander away from the sound of this debate and venture to the river to fill their waterskins might find a silver breastplate waiting at the riverbottom. Whose is it, and how recently did it arrive there? Would anyone notice if it went missing?

If you ask Joaquim, the miner, if there are any interesting places nearby, she will show you her broken leg and tell you about the hidden entrance near the barrow that leads down into the mine she's just discovered. She says there was a cave in and a helpless ranai was stuck inside only a day ago. She was trying to rescue the frog-folk herself when a rock crushed her leg. None of Riverkirk's other residents are willing to help. All of Joaquim's notes are documented in her journal "A Record of the Hidden Entrance Near the Barrow" which she will gladly sell you for only two gold (1 gp and 5 sp if you will promise to save the frog-folk within).

Monday, August 20, 2018

:: Knut, Buffalofolk Cavalier ::

For those who don't know, I'm a middle school Spanish and Latin teacher, and one thing we do every semester is choose which electives we want to teach. Reprising a popular elective from last year, I went with D&D! Well, Pathfinder, but the young'uns know what D&D is in principle so I just went with that.

For their first day, I helped them come up with class and race for their characters and auto-genned this one as an example. So, enjoy Knut, the buffalo-folk cavalier, soon to make an appearance in a middle-school D&D elective near me!


Friday, August 17, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 9 ::

Chapter 9 and Epilogue

(Plot 8 and Falling Action)

Only then did Nizhoni come to, lifting his face from the mud into which it had slid so unceremoniously. When he looked up, the people of Cadfelham had surrounded him and Master Folger and his officers were nowhere to be found. Nizhoni hung his head.

“Calufray,” he said. Calufray joined the center of the circle. “There is something you need to know about that pitcher—it was made by my mother, Cadfel.” The crowd murmured in astonishment. “She was the sheriff of Cadfelham before you were born, and the namesake of the hamlet.

“Her mate was Methoataske, a siren woman who came to land to be with her, giving up her home to be human. My mother was happy, but she spent more and more time with Methoataske, and less with me. I didn’t have any friends in the hamlet—certainly no other sirens lived here. I was an outcast in my own home.

“One day my mother made that pitcher and gave it to Methoataske as a gift. My mother had never given me anything. I knew she didn’t want me anymore, let alone the people of the hamlet. I ran away.”

Thursday, August 16, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 8 ::

Chapter 8

(Plot 7)

Calufray entered the sheriff’s quarters, well hidden by the tarp and the clothes lent to him by the astronomer on the mountain. The room was full of cheerful laughter, as if the last twenty minutes hadn’t happened. Calufray overheard Nizhoni’s voice:

“Can you believe it? She’s always been that hot-tempered. If she ever ran out of fuel for her oven, she could bake bread just by breathing on it!” Several belly laughs cascaded across the room. “It’s too bad her husband was taken by the fire…” The conversation in Nizhoni’s corner died down to a low murmur. Calufray bent a keen ear that direction. Nizhoni’s voice broke the silence: “If she’d tossed him in the firepit, she’d at least have a loaf or two to show for it!” Nizhoni cackled alone, but no other laughs joined in. “Come on, men, it’s all for a la—whoof!”

Calufray’s fist had slammed into Nizhoni’s gut. Immediately, the contents of the siren’s stomach emptied out of his mouth and he doubled over, supporting himself with the webbed hand that still gripped his tankard. The room, already quiet, fell more silent still. Several officers began to edge toward the door.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 7 ::

Chapter 7

(Plot 6)

The steady light drizzle quickly chilled Calufray’s bones as his own world transitioned from flowing iridescent wisps to the solid, colorful reality he knew. There was the same familiar mountain he had called home once, but it was a new hamlet that greeted him.

The magical eagle circled Cadfel Cove, granting Calufray a commanding view of the new pier that had been built over the ring of stones and what he assumed was Master Folger’s ship docked to it. The clipper had its sails bound, its anchor away, and a trail of shiphands hauling goods to the shore where another trail of souls—the hamlet-folk themselves—carried them off to the hamlet. From up here the whole operation made Calufray think of a trail of industrious ants invading a model ship for morsels of food.

All of this could not have happened in a day or two; something about the other world he had traveled through on the back of the magical eagle must have distorted time for him, somehow. The dock was one thing, but a large swath of trees near the beach had been cleared away and the newly-built depot that sat in its place told him he had been gone for several weeks, at least. Calufray was uncertain about the exact details, but he suspected that Nizhoni had indeed beaten him back this time. Such a delay might also explain how Nizhoni had arrived at Obeliskdale so quickly, from Calufray’s perspective.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 6 ::

Chapter 6

(Plot 5)

Calufray made his way slowly, but deftly, down the slick rock-face into the outskirts of Tin Obeliskdale. He was drenched, of course, for the freshwater falls fell on him the entire way, but at least he had arrived safe and sound.

The windows and sign-poles of the small settlement hung with enchanted banners that featured a moving crest—a quill swooping in a signing motion beside a red “X.” This, Calufray recalled, was the symbol of the deity of Tin Obeliskdale, Opasha, the god of fair dealings. The halflings of the settlement preferred to treat every aspect of life as a contract, whether social or business, spoken or written. This led to every citizen having a prescribed routine that they were obliged to follow.

For example, everyone within a house woke at staggered intervals, prepared and ate meals at staggered intervals, and even used the facilities at staggered intervals. “Better to go and not need to than need to and not go,” was a common saying. All of this was seen as proper protocol and part of the unspoken social agreement of living in the settlement, and resulted in making Obeliskdale quite orderly and efficient.

Calufray watched the dance of routine operate like clockwork around him: a homemaker would shake a dusty rug out of the 2nd-storey window just as a formally-dressed notary would walk underneath, the cloud settling just as the notary passed, avoiding them entirely. Ten steps behind was the notary’s assistant, perfectly synched with the cloud to avoid any unpleasant dusting of professional attire.

As he passed, Calufray supposed that someone in that home had just signed a contract, and always did at this time, on this day of the week. How did he know? He looked around and confirmed: everyone in view had a small tightly-cinched drawstring pouch attached to their waist. But these bags did not hold money, Calufray knew.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 5 ::

Chapter 5

(Plot 4)

The swan-folk gulped down a morsel of bread. “Find a good spot?”

“Yes,” said Nizhoni confidently, “the dock can be built right over the circle of stones out in Cadfel Cove.”

Calufray took a big step closer. “That’s the Fairy Circle.” He still had his eye on the Pitcher. It was holding down one corner of the diagrams next to Nizhoni’s hand—like a common paperweight.

Several adults looked over their shoulders at Calufray and laughed lightly.

“Yes, I’m sure the children will be broken up for a few weeks about losing a curious beach spot,” Nizhoni stated matter-of-factly. “After their stomachs are full of the food coming off of Master Folger’s ships—which will be able to make port after we build the dock over those stones—I’m sure they won’t mind so much.”

Monday, August 6, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 4 ::

Chapter 4

(Plot 3)

Calufray stayed with the Sisseton tribe for some time. He went on regular patrols with the scouts, comparing his time aboard the Trawler with what he learned of the undersea topography to gain a thorough knowledge of what was both above and below the surface of the Siren’s Sea. The Sisseton introduced him to several troves of supplies and safeguarded treasures kept within the bellies of underwater caverns far below islands that would have been considered unimportant to passing ships. He painstakingly documented everything on waterproof maps—with the promise that he would never divulge the information to any surface-dweller, of course.

During communal time with the tribe, he learned to play a sort of underwater shawm, a haunting instrument he wished he had known those many months earlier, when his father had left the world. He tried and failed many times to compose a dirge in his father’s memory, but nothing he came up with seemed to fit. The music of the Sisseton was far too cheerful for his purposes, and he settled on playing low drones that changed only slightly for minutes at a time. Like his father’s later life, he thought; dull and hardly changing.

“You play like a blobfish,” said Len, one of his scouting partners, poking fun at him. “Cheer up, our watch starts soon.”

Sunday, August 5, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 3 ::

Chapter 3

(Plot 2)

“Tighten up the mizen, lads!” the captain shouted across the Trawler’s deck. “We don’t want her fallin’ out of her corset so long as this wave keeps up; eyes sharp and ropes tight as she goes!”

The “wave” was the doing of the Wonderful Pitcher, as wielded by Calufray himself. He had leaned out over the ship’s stern and upended it, pouring out an endless spout of seawater. The resulting wave had been pushing the ship faster than their sails could pull them, the sails even slowing them down as the canvas caught the wind rushing past. For this reason the captain commanded the sails be reefed until they reach the Merrow Sea.

“You’re sure about this plan, Cal?” shouted the captain over the roar of the waters rushing from the Wonderful Pitcher.

“Sure as sure, Cap’n. She took my father. I can’t let it stand.”

“The merrows have been a bane on sailors since before the Trawler took her sails,” the captain replied. “I’ll be happy the day we never see another one break the surface. But I can’t say as I understand provoking them.”

“Not all of them, Cap’n. Just the one.”

Friday, August 3, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 2 ::

Chapter 2

(Plot 1)

Weeks later, Calufray could be found on the shores of a small island, a passable hut erected from flotsam and palm fronds. Supper was bubbling in the shell of a coconut over the firepit. Calufray was whittling down the tip of what used to be an old oar he found on the beach—now fashioned by him to serve as a spear. He had seen rays swimming in the waters, and was ready to move on from boiled crab.

Leaving supper where it was, he rose and rested his spear over one shoulder. Out of habit, he scanned the horizon, moments later reminding himself that even if the Trawler found him, he didn’t deserve to return to that life. What he had done was…

He adjusted the spear on his shoulder and set out for the shallows where the rays swam.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

:: Calufray and the Wonderful Pitcher, Ch. 1 ::

Chapter 1

(FeyGen Prompt #5, Setting, Hero, Rising Action and Major Conflict)

Once upon a time, in the clean overcrowded hamlet of Cadfelham, there lived an old man by the name of Calufray, whose name meant “Violet.” The name was given to him by his father, Wapasha, when Calufray’s mother died in childbirth. Violets, Wapasha knew, were his mate’s favorite flower, and his newborn would remind him of her every time he spoke the name.

It has been many years since then, and Calufray’s life has smelled little of flowers. Growing up on a chilly mountainside, where the rain sprinkled constantly, gave him plenty of opportunity to smell the violets, but Calufray had other things to occupy his mind.

:: FeyGen Prompt #5 ::

SETTING—Calufray's home
Name: Cadfelham
Location: Clean Overcrowded hamlet, kingdom of Aviqming
Environment: Chilly Sprinkly mountain
Prominent Places: sherrif's quarters, Fairy Ring, Pyramid, Signpost
Leader: Cadfel, sheriff
Demographics: Chaotic Evil halflings
Prominent Professionals: Glassblower, Bottler
Name: Calufray (''Violet'')
Identity: old male human
Physical: Average, Deformed Neck, Repulsive Apparel
Attributes: Strong, Hardy, Foolish, Wavering
Beliefs: Chaotic Good, worships the Primal Spirits
Personality: Well-spoken
Voice: Low, Dead
     ''I want to measure up.''
     ''I fear that evil may be necessary.''
     Class: Fighter
     Craft: Boatwright
     Knowledge: Geography
     Perform: Piper (Shawm)
     Profession: Sailor
     Skills: skilled bully, incapable sneak
Combat: Falchion, Pistol
Good Movement: climb, Bad Movement: swim

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

:: FeyGen Prompt #4 ::

SETTING—Zeferino's home
Location: Divine Dirty settlement, kingdom of Ewerercastle
Environment: Mild Mostly Cloudy tundra
Name: Fairy Ringdale
Prominent Places: dining hall, Fairy Ring, Wall, Glen
Leader: Teofilo, manager
Demographics: Neutral Evil ranais
Prominent Professionals: Bookbinder, Organist

Name: Zeferino (''West Wind'')
Identity: adult male ranai
Physical: a grimy look, wears hand-made vesture
Attributes: Smart, Resolute, Weak, Fragile
Beliefs: Neutral Evil, worships The Djinn
Personality: well-spoken
Voice: high, hoarse
    ''I want to save my mother.''
    ''I fear failing my old rival.''
    Class: Mage (Scholar Magician)
    Craft: Mason
    Knowledge: Information Broker
    Perform: Minstrel (Lute)
    Profession: Chanter
    Skills: proficient liar, incapable linguist
Combat: Sickle, Throwing Knife
Good Movement: climb, Bad Movement: run

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

:: FeyGen Prompt #3 ::


Dagrun's home
Name: Effigywich
Location: Dirty Clean homestead, kingdom of Maypoleopolis
Environment: Pleasant Foggy natural caverns
Prominent Places: burial yard, Silver Mine, Effigy, Pond
Leader: Ivor, head of the house
Demographics: Chaotic Good winslies
Prominent Professionals: Woodcarver, Dungeoneer


Name: Dagrun (''Day of Secret Lore'')
Identity: juvenile male winslie
Physical: a chest birthmark, wears outdated clothing
Attributes: Hardy, Quick, Foolish, Wavering
Beliefs: Lawful Good, worships The Unseelie Court
Personality: wary
Voice: low, quavering
     ''I want to measure up.''
     ''I fear being mediocre.''
     Class: Commoner (Ruffian)
     Craft: Trapsmith
     Knowledge: Theologist
     Perform: Trumpeter (Shofar)
     Profession: Ranger
     Skills: adept sneak, incompetent escape artist
Combat: Club, Shuriken
Good Movement: climb, Bad Movement: swim


     Dagrun's old crush, Arnbjörg, told him not to touch the New Potato at the homestead Pond, but Dagrun did anyway. Later, Dagrun overheard his old crush sigh and say to herself: ''I was almost able to find out who I am...'' 
     Dagrun's old crush, Arnbjörg, said ''We cannot continue on. We are simply too poor.'' Dagrun heard this demand and wanted to provide for his old crush's need, so Dagrun's new crush, Ulisses, permitted him to leave home.
     Dagrun embarked on a journey with the help of his protégé, Gwenith, and a map which guided Dagrun to the far away land of Librarian City.
     Dagrun returned to his old crush with all the riches they would ever need because he was such an impressive and adept sneak.
     Dagrun returned home with the help of his protégé, Gwenith, and a map which guided Dagrun back to the kingdom of Maypoleopolis.
     Dagrun's protégé, Gwenith, transformed his into a heightened appearance and status.
     The king of Maypoleopolis gave Dagrun a new treasure as a reward—a magical Pentagram which summoned a helpful Demon on command. And Dagrun lived in comfort and happiness until the end of his days.


PRESENT RELATION—Dagrun's old crush
Name: Arnbjörg (''Rescuing Eagle'')
Identity: young female winslie
Physical: a deformed finger, wears hand-made accoutrements
Attributes: Clever, Resolute, Weak, Slow
Beliefs: Chaotic Neutral, worships The Marids
Personality: domineering
Voice: high, verbose
     ''I want to find out who I am.''
     ''I fear being insignificant.''
     Class: Expert (Performer)
     Craft: Miner
     Knowledge: Geographer
     Perform: Comedian (False Morningstar)
     Profession: Animal Trainer
     Skills: proficient liar, bumbling linguist
Combat: Flail, Bow
Good Movement: climb, Bad Movement: swim

DISPATCHER—Dagrun's new crush
Name: Ulisses (''Angry'')
Identity: young female ranai
Physical: short legs, wears repulsive garb
Attributes: Clever, Resolute, Weak, Fragile
Beliefs: Lawful Evil, worships Fate
Personality: determined
Voice: even, appealing
     ''I want to free my friend.''
     ''I fear getting caught.''
     Class: Expert (Hunter)
     Craft: Woodcarver
     Knowledge: Dungeoneer
     Perform: Fiddler (Viol)
     Profession: Chaplain
     Skills: masterful survivalist, rookie appraiser
Combat: Hatchet, Throwing Hammer
Good Movement: climb, Bad Movement: swim
HELPER—Dagrun's protégé
Name: Gwenith (''Wheat'')
Identity: very young female winslie
Physical: perfect hands, wears non-traditional costumery
Attributes: Clever, Resolute, Frail, Slow
Beliefs: Neutral Evil, worships The Strangers
Personality: energetic
Voice: even, breathy
     ''I want to measure up.''
     ''I fear losing the esteem of my niece.''
     Class: Fighter (Brute)
     Craft: Carpenter
     Knowledge: Geographer
     Perform: Orator (Technology Encyclopedia)
     Profession: Trumpeter
     Skills: skilled escape artist, awkward sneak
Combat: Club, Bola, Half-plate Suit, Tower Shield
Good Movement: climb, Bad Movement: swim

ROYAL RULER—king of Maypoleopolis
Name: Imamu (''Spiritual Leader'')
Identity: dead male leonian
Physical: a hunchback, wears excessive garb
Attributes: Nimble, Resolute, Weak, Fragile
Beliefs: Lawful Good, worships The Unseelie Court
Personality: dejected
Voice: high, wheezy
     ''I want to see justice served.''
     ''I fear being unloved.''
     Class: Aristocrat (Noble)
     Craft: Musical Artisan
     Knowledge: Naturalist
     Perform: Comedian (False Morningstar)
     Profession: Costumer
     Skills: skilled linguist, inept bully
Combat: Glaive, Bow, curled claws
Good Movement: climb, Bad Movement: swim


LEGENDARY ITEM—Summoning Object
Name: Fantastic Pentagram
The ''Fantastic Pentagram'' is a legendary Narrow, Plain Pirium Pentagram that summons a notable female Demon named Gwenith on command.
Name: Gwenith
Identity: Demon
Attributes: Clever, Resolute
Personality: energetic
Voice: even, breathy
Knowledge: Geographer
Skills: masterful escape artist
Movement: fly
FAR AWAY LAND—Dagrun's destination
Name: Librarian City
Location: Clean Maintained city
Environment: Searing Partly Cloudy marsh
Prominent Places: Cathedral of Fate, Tor, Freestanding Door, Stream
Leader: Hermenegildo, governor
Demographics: Neutral Good ranais
Prominent Professionals: Jeweler, Librarian

HOME KINGDOM—the ruling capital of Dagrun's home
Name: Maypoleopolis
Location: Divine Elaborate kingdom
Environment: Pleasant Breezy mountain
Prominent Places: colossal Diamond statue of a fenris female, Geoglyph, Freestanding Door, Maypole
Leader: Tariro, ruler
Demographics: Neutral Good leonians
Prominent Professionals: Inventor, Diplomat

Sunday, July 8, 2018

:: FeyGen Prompt #2 ::

Having given the first prompt a critical look after some feedback, I give you FeyGen prompt #2. This version is designed to be easier for a writer to assimilate, and should resemble an actual outline rather than a readable story. Included at the beginning are the Setting and Hero profiles to get you started, and at the end are character, item, and location profiles for everything else. Per usual, let me know how writing your own story from this prompt works for you.

Happy writing!

FeyGen Prompt #2

SETTING—Tiwlip's home
Name: Millerham
Location: Vacant Wild hamlet, kingdom of Danksia
Environment: Temperate Smoky islands
Prominent Places: guardhouse, Tor, Eternal Fountain, Well
Leader: Ohtli, sheriff
Demographics: Chaotic Neutral humans
Prominent Professionals: Carpenter, Miller

Name: Tiwlip (''Tulip'')
Identity: juvenile female human
Physical: broad shoulders, wears natural wardrobery
Attributes: Charming, Resolute, Frail, Fragile
Beliefs: Neutral Evil, worships The Wood Aspect
Personality: nervous
Voice: mute
     ''I want to build a relationship with my childhood friend.''
     ''I fear being evil.''
     Class: Exemplar (Sylvan Witch)
     Craft: Cook
     Knowledge: Arcanist
     Perform: Flautist (Flute)
     Profession: Midwife
     Skills: masterful appraiser, inept costumer
Combat: Morningstar, Sling
Good Movement: run, Bad Movement: climb


     Secretly, Tiwlip's protégé, Andresa, said to herself: ''I am going to explore,'' and then drowned Tiwlip's brother, Gwenith. Tiwlip was sentenced to death. Later, she was secretly freed by her niece, Xochitl, and left the hamlet to right the wrongs committed by her protégé. 


     Tiwlip encountered her father, Kaiya, who attempted to destroy Tiwlip using special tactics. Tiwlip reversed her attacker's tactics and defeated him. Tiwlip's father gifted the legendary Perfect Chainmail to him.
     Tiwlip embarked on a journey with the help of her family friend, Chandra, following tracks to arrive at the far away land of Musical Artisan City. 
     Tiwlip encountered her protégé, Andresa, in Musical Artisan City, where she banished her outright. At a crucial moment during these events, Tanganutura, the prince, marked Tiwlip with an auspicious royal seal on her chest.
     Tiwlip saved her brother, Gwenith, from drowning by reviving the dead. 
     Tiwlip returned home with the help of her family friend, Chandra, following tracks to arrive back at the kingdom of Danksia.
     Andresa chased Tiwlip, attempting to take advantage of her frailty. Tiwlip escaped with the help of her family friend, Chandra, who increased her toughness.   
     Tiwlip's protégé, Andresa, committed suicide.


     The prince wanted to join Tiwlip on her adventures. Tiwlip and Tanganutura were married, and they lived happily for a time. However, all too soon, Tiwlip's old rival, Adalwulf, came and seduced Tanganutura. And so, a new adventure began...

PRESENT RELATION—Tiwlip's brother
Name: Gwenith (''Wheat'')
Identity: young male human
Physical: fluid movements, wears unique clothing
Attributes: Charming, Resolute, Frail, Slow
Beliefs: Chaotic Evil, worships The Wood Aspect
Personality: apologetic
Voice: even, taut
     ''I want to avoid being noticed.''
     ''I fear being incompetent.''
     Class: Exemplar (Sylvan Witch)
     Craft: Alchemist
     Knowledge: Planar Theorist
     Perform: Comedian (False Minecart)
     Profession: Jester
     Skills: adept costumer, bumbling liar
Combat: Guisarme, Throwing Hammer
Good Movement: run, Bad Movement: climb

VILLAIN—Tiwlip's protégé
Name: Andresa (''Courageous'')
Identity: juvenile female human
Physical: broad shoulders, wears higher-class vestments
Attributes: Clever, Resolute, Weak, Fragile
Beliefs: Lawful Evil, worships The Primal Spirit of Buffaloes
Personality: hopeless
Voice: high, singsong
     ''I want to explore.''
     ''I fear being unloved.''
     Class: Expert (Professional)
     Craft: Weaver
     Knowledge: Naturalist
     Perform: Jester (Joke Tunic)
     Profession: Herald
     Skills: proficient linguist, amateur escape artist
Combat: Hatchet, Bow
Good Movement: run, Bad Movement: climb

DISPATCHER—Tiwlip's niece
Name: Xochitl (''Flower'')
Identity: juvenile female human
Physical: toned muscles, wears wild coverings
Attributes: Clever, Resolute, Weak, Fragile
Beliefs: Lawful Good, worships The Light
Personality: drained
Voice: high, hearty
     ''I want to avoid being noticed.''
     ''I fear suffering an unavoidable catastrophe.''
     Class: Exemplar (Luminous Priest)
     Craft: Cook
     Knowledge: Geographer
     Perform: Flautist (Flute)
     Profession: Piper
     Skills: expert costumer, bungling investigator
Combat: Pick, Javelin
Good Movement: run, Bad Movement: climb

DONOR—Tiwlip's father
Name: Kaiya (''Spear'')
Identity: young adult male human
Physical: fluid movements, wears approachable accoutrements
Attributes: Charming, Resolute, Frail, Slow
Beliefs: Lawful Neutral, worships The Wood Aspect
Personality: troubled
Voice: mute
     ''I want to follow my dream.''
     ''I fear wandering aimlessly.''
     Class: Exemplar (Sylvan Witch)
     Craft: Alchemist
     Knowledge: Naturalist
     Perform: Minstrel (Mandolin)
     Profession: Minstrel
     Skills: talented costumer, amateur sneak
Combat: Bastard Sword, Javelin
Good Movement: run, Bad Movement: climb

HELPER—Tiwlip's family friend
Name: Chandra (''Moon'')
Identity: juvenile female human
Physical: a collected look, wears rustic accoutrements
Attributes: Hardy, Tough, Uncouth, Wavering
Beliefs: Lawful Good, worships The Djinn
Personality: anxious
Voice: high, clear
     ''I want to oppose a new acquaintance's plans.''
     ''I fear being separated from my father.''
     Class: Expert (Folklorist)
     Craft: Blacksmith
     Knowledge: Engineer
     Perform: Jester (Joke Tunic)
     Profession: Bookseller
     Skills: adept costumer, inept animal handler
Combat: Hatchet, Bola
Good Movement: run, Bad Movement: climb

ROYAL HEIR—prince of Danksia
Name: Tanganutura (''Bitter Tears'')
Identity: juvenile male córean
Physical: a piercing gaze, wears lower-class wardrobery
Attributes: Strong, Resolute, Foolish, Slow
Beliefs: Neutral Evil, worships The Wood Aspect
Personality: curious
Voice: low, breathy
     ''I want to learn all about Technology.''
     ''I fear being alone.''
     Class: Aristocrat (Commander)
     Craft: Inventor
     Knowledge: Historian
     Perform: Chanter (Hymnal)
     Profession: Costumer
     Skills: adept diplomat, inexperienced sneak
Combat: Hatchet, Dart, sharp beak
Good Movement: run, Bad Movement: climb

ROYAL RULER—king of Danksia
Name: Truganini (''Grey Saltbrush'')
Identity: very old male córean
Physical: a thin frame, wears natural apparel
Attributes: Nimble, Resolute, Weak, Slow
Beliefs: Neutral Evil, worships The Wood Aspect
Personality: moody
Voice: even, guttural
     ''I want to see justice served.''
     ''I fear suffering my childhood friend's wrath.''
     Class: Aristocrat (Noble)
     Craft: Inventor
     Knowledge: Planar Theorist
     Perform: Fiddler (Fiddle)
     Profession: Astronomer
     Skills: experienced investigator, inept acrobat
Combat: Sickle, Crossbow, sharp beak
Good Movement: run, Bad Movement: climb

Name: Perfect Chainmail
The ''Perfect Chainmail'' is a legendary Perfect, Wide Pirium Chainmail enchanted with Shadow Operative's magic.

FAR AWAY LAND—Tiwlip's destination
Name: Musical Artisan City
Location: Haunting Inviting city
Environment: Icy Gusty glacier
Prominent Places: catacombs, Geoglyph, Barrow, Delve
Leader: Pengana, governor
Demographics: Chaotic Good córeans
Prominent Professionals: Musical Artisan, Organist

HOME KINGDOM—the ruling capitol of Tiwlip's home
Name: Danksia
Location: Divine Overcrowded kingdom
Environment: Warm Dank cloud forest
Prominent Places: university, Tor, Pedestal, Well
Leader: Kala, ruler
Demographics: Lawful Evil córeans
Prominent Professionals: Inventor, Maid

OLD KINGDOM—the kingdom before Danksia
Name: Mildforth
Location: Serene Modern fort
Environment: Mild Hazy hewn underground
Prominent Places: academy, Shaft, Memorial, Trail
Leader: Nahuel, commander
Demographics: Neutral Good sirens
Prominent Professionals: Weaponsmith, Papermaker

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

:: FeyGen Prompt #1 ::

This is the first of hopefully many prompts randomly generated by my custom-built fairy tale generator, #FeyGen, which was born today in its 1.0 form. Please help me beta-test FeyGen by using this prompt to write your own story (using this blog as your guide for words you don't know), and let me know how it went!


FeyGen Prompt #1

This tale is about Agu, an old male ranai, whose name means ''Leopard''. Agu was distinguished by a piercing gaze and wore minimalistic clothing.
     ''I want to rule,'' Agu would say in his even, booming voice, ''but I fear being unfulfilled.'' Agu was Smart and Resolute, but could also be Weak and Fragile. He obeyed the law when it was convenient and may or may not have always done what he said. He helped others when it suited him and usually expected fair compensation.
     Agu was a skilled liar but a terrible appraiser. He practiced the Glassblower's craft, and had experience as a professional Orator. He was a studied Geographer. In combat, Agu preferred a sword or a sling.
     Agu came from the ranai village of Warm Village. Found in the marsh, Warm Village was both Haunting and Modern. The weather was usually Warm and Polluted and the folk there were Chaotic and Good. The messenger station was the first thing you'd see as you entered the village, but it was also known for its Agate Mine, Henge, and Promenade.
Once upon a time, in a little village in the marsh, there lived a Historian's son named Agu. Now, Agu was an aging ranai man with a piercing gaze and an uncontrollable demeanor.
     Dimas, Agu's brother, approached Agu and said ''Whatever you do, you must not disturb the Chainmails that are in the messenger station under any circumstances. If you do, things shall go very poorly for you.'' But Agu did not heed the warning, and when Dimas was not looking, he crept to the messenger station and touched the Chainmails. 
     At that time a little ranai lad with long legs hid nearby, eavesdropping on Agu. ''Hmm,'' muttered the ranai lad when he had seen and heard what he was waiting for, quite arrogant about the matter. And without a sound, the ranai lad crept away. 
Along came that ranai lad, now revealed as his true self, and banished Agu's father from the village. ''I am Dimas,'' the ranai lad said, ''and I intend to hide who I really am!''
     After these events, Agu encountered a little winslie lad with a frail physique and wearing traditional clothing. It was Agu's childhood friend, Mohana. ''You are banished from the village, Agu,'' he said. ''You must leave, now!'' And so, Agu took an available Rowboat and left, resolving to right the wrong that Dimas had done. 
     As Agu traveled through the marsh, he heard of a Excellent Centipede, which he resolved to take with him on his journey. To acquire it, however, Agu was compelled to take it by force. It was a ancient female Steel-colored Centipede with narrow shoulders. It had a low, thin voice, was Clever and dissatisfied, and was a studied Engineer. 
     ''Come Agu,'' said Tanganutura. ''We must get you to Wild City, and to do it I must help you follow these tracks.'' And that was precisely what they did.       
     At last, Agu brought back his father, Quirino, to Warm Village by means of seduction. 
     ''Come Agu,'' said Tanganutura. ''We must get you home to Warm Village, and to do it I must help you follow these tracks.'' And that was precisely what they did. 
     Meanwhile, Dimas plotted, and when the time was right, he unleashed his plans to tear down Agu's resolve. ''Agu thinks he's Resolute, does he?'' Dimas muttered to himself, watching Agu walk straight into his terrifying trap. ''In a moment, Agu will be no more...'' The trap took its toll, but Tanganutura intervened, lending yet greater resolve to Agu in this moment of need. 
     Something seemed amiss shortly before arriving at Warm Village; as it happened, a certain adult male ranai with a piercing gaze and wearing sophisticated dress appeared. It was Sergio, Agu's grandfather. ''What are you doing here?'' Agu asked. ''I am here to steal and replace something of yours, of course,'' Sergio replied. And that is precisely what he did. Then, Agu was banished. Agu acquired the power of the legendary Excellent Marid by discovering it in a fateful encounter. Agu encountered the villain, Sergio, and , finding him vulnerable, slew him outright. In the end, Agu was the victor. During the epic conflict, Shanti, the king,  physically marked Agu. At last, Agu discovered the replaced item. On the way, however, he was chased down by Sergio, who Agu After having finally arrived at home, Tanganutura disguised Agu as the apprentice of the king's Diplomat. 
     As Agu entered Warm Village, he saw that there was a great celebration, and at its center was a certain adult male ranai. It was Sergio, Agu's grandfather, who was about to claim Agu's reward in his place. 
     Shanti, the king, proposed a test of Cold dangers. Agu could not overcome those dangers, so Tanganutura intervened, overcoming all of those dangers in advance, before Agu even reached them. ''You have passed,'' said Shanti, the king. 
     And in their meeting with the  the king, Agu's new acquaintance revealed him for who he truly was: ''May it please  the king,'' Taktuq began, ''I present to you, my master, Agu.'' And  the king recognized him at last. 
     And when Agu was received with open arms, Sergio was dejected, and revealed himself for who he truly was. 
     It was at this moment that things began to take a turn for the better at last. For Tanganutura used magical means to transform Agu, realizing his true potential in appearance and power. 
     It was then that the villainous Dimas entered, submitting himself for judgment. The king reviewed his crimes, at last passing no judgement, but releasing him to the draconian people in disgrace. 
     Finally, Tanganutura presented herself. ''I am not your protégé,'' she admitted, removing her disguise. Beneath was not Tanganutura as Agu had thought, but the princess, Abhay. ''It was I that provided you with the Excellent Centipede, and watched over you on your journey. Now, Agu, if you will have me, I give myself to you as your wife.'' Agu was uncontrollable and approved. And so Agu and Abhay were betrothed, but before they could be married, a new threat reared its ugly face. For Ru, Agu's nephew, came and , saying: ''I plan to see justice served, and nothing will stop me!'' And so, a new adventure began...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

:: Joaquim and the Marid's Lute ::

...or "The Frog Prince"

Once there was a ranai named Joaquim, whose name meant “Lifted by God.” Like his mother before him, he worshipped the marids, beautiful geniuses of the water planes that sometimes blessed mortals with their powers.
When he was young, Joaquim had fallen into a ravine, trapped where his mother could not reach him. Distraught, she invoked the marids on his behalf. Pulling a magical lute from her back, she plucked the strings in a serenade that ebbed and flowed like the waves. Presently, a marid emerged from within the bowl of the lute and asked: