Sunday, October 28, 2018

:: Esha and Aasha, Serpentfolk Mage and Companion ::

As a follow-up to my tale Medusa and the Serpentine Gallery, I give you the matriarch of the Serpentine family, and oldest living daughter of Medusa of Wellstan, Esha Serpentine. Included are the stats for Esha's serpent companion, Aasha.

Esha and Aasha

In Tales of Athanasia (found on the Professional Ice Cast Facebook page), the PCs have discovered the entrance to Dead Drop Caverns (through a secret door in the basement of the Serentine Gallery) where the few living Serpentines are being held captive by a local pack of Fenrir and used as leverage against the Serpentine family. Using one of the Serpentine daughters—a medusa—as a part of their scheme, the Pack is accepting "commissions" from wanted criminals or those who wish to escape the city for fear of death.

The client pays for their "commission" at the front desk of the Serpentine Gallery (operated by the Pack) and is escorted down to the cavernous basement where they are petrified by the gaze of the captive medusa. Then, the newly "crafted" statue is delivered to a remote destination outside the city, where Esha, the Serpentine matriarch, is expected to use her vast magical knowledge to reverse the process, returning the "client" to life, and granting them their freedom.

The Pack has offered Esha a cut of each transaction, but she refuses each time, begging only for the release of her family. The Pack, however, will be reluctant to give up such a lucrative business arrangement...

...unless someone were to come along and turn the tables.

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