Friday, December 14, 2018

:: Orvar and Kaari ::

Hi, my name is AddyCat (pen-name used). I wrote this fairy tale in Mr. Carter's Fairy Tale Workshop Elective at Topeka Collegiate School. Yee.

Orvar and Kaari

by AddyCat

Orvar and Kaari have always shared the same expressions. They’ve both always been quiet. Deep in the Kingdom of the Ice, in the town of Windystad, they both lived. Windystad was a brisk yet unsettling village, always covered in snow. In the very center of it all, laid a hopeless unicorn surrounded in barriers and barriers of security. It was called the Magical Unicorn of Life, and it was said to have incredible powers.

On the edge of the Kingdom of the Sun ― a distant kingdom which was full of warmth ― Sunny Commune was a village with no power like the Kingdom of the Ice. Windystad and Sunny Commune were therefore at war for Windystad’s merchandise.

In the town of Windystad there was also two dragons, named Orvar and Kaari. They had been best friends since before they could remember. They only recollected one thing; their parents were both taken away by the war.

Orvar and Kaari both went to a school called Battle Training to battle with their friends. There was always a ruckus at the school because her classmates didn’t know how to BE QUIET. Their teacher was strict about the way they should fight in Battle Training: no actual hurting.

Kaari was a depressed dragon who believed that nothing was worth it. What was the point of fighting, if you weren’t going to hurt anyone?

Orvar thought differently. As much as she knew they were the same, they were also different in a lot of ways. Orvar always thought that it was good that there was no actual hurting in Battle Training.

Orvar and Kaari were best friends, and nothing at all would get in the way. When Kaari’s rage grew somewhat bigger as they aged ― and more dragons took their anger out on him ― Orvar decided that she needed to interfere. She started visiting the Magical Unicorn of Life for luck, even though she knew that its power was a weapon, not for wishes.

But Orvar’s worries seemed to be on the wrong thing. She visited the Unicorn, but a rattle of leaves broke through her deep thoughts. She whipped around to find two different-looking dragons; they were clearly a different tribe. They were from Sunny Commune, Orvar recollected. They were spies. They were gaining knowledge. They were going to attack. They were going to attack her!

Before she could really think, a battle broke out between Orvar and the two spies. Not actually knowing what power they had, she fought them with all her energy. After scratching, hissing, and freezing limbs off, Orvar came out on top.

She was surprised no one had seen her. No one could see her. If they saw what she had done . . . surely she’d be in trouble. Without thinking, again, she unfolded her wings and took into flight. She soared above the village until she overlooked the treetops. She flew down and landed on the soft grass, panting, her sides heaving with scars and blood.

After the tragedy she had just been through, she found heard a familiar voice. She turned around, eyes full of fear, to find Kaari glaring at her, his head dipped. “What are you doing here?” Orvar asked.

“I should say the same to you,” Kaari responded, sounding more irritated than Orvar had expected. She tried to get answers out of him, but it only seemed to make him angrier. Couldn’t they just share their troubles, together, as they always did?

But Orvar realized that she might have pushed him too far. He started blowing up at her ― shouting, screaming, hissing. She had just fought off spies and protected the entire village. Now Kaari was angry with her?

She ran away, her eyes clouded with tears. She took into flight, even with her sides with gaping scars. She had to get back to her sleeping cave. It was the only safe place she had left. She thought, maybe there was no such thing as peace after all.

Kaari, on the other paw, thought Orvar was mad at him and he went on a rampage. Kaari decided that if the only dragon he trusted betrayed him, then there was no reason to stay in the Kingdom of the Ice. He decided that after all maybe he should abandon his village. Kaari left the village, leaving everything he had ever known behind.

But maybe it was best.

Orvar got worried when Kaari didn’t come to Battle Training the next morning. After an everlasting day of school, she bounded over to his sleeping cave and frantically checked inside. Maybe he was there.

But he was not.

After dashing around the entire city and searching basically the entire forest, she warned her friends that Kaari was not to be seen anywhere. She found herself speaking to the Magical Unicorn of Life for help more and more often. She had no one left to talk to, it seemed.

Kaari wanted to be by himself. He wanted to become powerful; he found himself wanting revenge on the Kingdom of Ice. At least, until he ran into a group of unimaginably powerful dragons who’s energy level was off the charts. Kaari was amazed by their power, but at the same time he was terrified. These dragons were there to kill him.

Every day Orvar got even more worried about Kaari. Even the members of the class were frantic. Every day it got quieter there, all because Kaari disappeared without a trace.

Eventually, she started making new friends and they tried to pull together pieces of why Kaari had disappeared. One of those new friends was a cheerful dragon named Limma. Her optimism was essential to making the decision to leave the village and find Kaari.

Even though the group that he ran into was terrifying, Kaari somehow found a way to convince them that he didn’t want to hurt them. If anything, he wanted to team up with them. This group was called the Shinohodu. The Shinohodu was a secret clan of Japanese dragons who were known for their deadly powers, which is where the mysterious group got their name.

Orvar and her friends took off, and traveled for many, many moons. Still no Kaari. It was like searching for a needle in a haystack, except harder. First of all, a haystack isn’t nearly as big as the world, in which Kaari could be anywhere. Second, Kaari was in all of their hearts and not being able to find him — not being able to know where he was — was extremely hard.

Kaari on the other paw, was becoming stronger. Not only did he have Ice Breath, but he had lots of other powerful moves to test out. The Shinohodu taught him many of their secret techniques. He favored the leader, whose name was just like his powers: Confusion. He was able to control a dragon’s move, or destroy an entire nation with the flick of his tail, Kaari recalled. The only thing about Confusion was that he didn’t speak. He managed to keep his anger controlled around him, because he knew that he could ― and would ― kill him without hesitation.

Orvar’s friends eventually started demanding that they should return. The kingdom would become genuinely worried if more and more dragons kept disappearing. Maybe they would blame it on Sunny Commune. But Orvar told them that when they would come back there would be nothing to worry about; nothing. Orvar was the only one who didn’t give up hope.

And then Sora — one of Orvar’s friends — decided that she didn’t want to give up hope either.

Just as Limma and the others are debating really whether to fly back, they came across a sensible amount of energy. Across the clearing, past the trees, they found an open field of Unicorns. It was unbelievable.

This changed Limma’s decision about returning. Maybe they could really change fate’s choosings. In other words . . . maybe they could really find Kaari.

Orvar and the others stayed with the Unicorns for the night. Each of them gazed up at the stars, and each of them wished upon a Unicorn. Orvar didn’t know exactly what the others wished, but she did know what she herself wished for; she wished for Kaari’s arrival. And peace.

Kaari was powerful. Kaari was ready to destroy. Kaari was ready to take on any of the other members of the Shinohodu; Despair had really gotten on his nerve lately, and Careless was way too confident in himself. Fearful was useless. Phantom reminded him of a psychopath. Irritation irritated him. Fusion was was too jokey with everything, and Invisible was never around to witness anything. Was there no decent member left of this secret clan?

Well, there was Confusion. He found his dark leader amazing. But then he comes up with a plan ― and that was to destroy the Kingdom of the Sun. Kaari had protested only once that they should make it the Kingdom of the Ice instead, but Confusion didn’t argue. Their mission was simple.

Orvar and her friends traveled for more moons, and they also learned how to survive in this time; they learned how to hunt, they went through tough times finding drinkable water, and they confronted storms. Shelter was another thing; the temperature wasn’t always the same.

After the Kingdom of the Sun was destroyed, Kaari and the Shinohodu are back in the depths of the forest. As Kaari and the others stop for rest, he thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

And out from the forest, Orvar came.

Orvar and her friends claim that they’ll fight for Kaari, threatening for battle. The Shinohodu are quickly ready for a easy battle, but Kaari steps in the way.

“I’m not going to let you hurt Orvar.”

His words were simple, before taking off after the most annoying of the Shinohodu; he went after Despair specifically, lashing his scales and using Confusion’s moves on him. Although Despair was powerful, his leader’s powers were vulnerable to him. Eventually, it was Kaari against the entire Shinohodu.

He took down Despair, Careless, Fearful, and Phantom, leaving him with Irritation, Fusion, Invisible, and of them all, Confusion. Something about his leader surprised him: because he wasn’t stepping in on the battle. He was off to the side, not even watching the action.

But he didn’t have time to worry. He flicked his tail in easy moves, and when his sides had heaved to their max was when he had finally taken down everyone, leaving him, Orvar and her friends, and Confusion.

He could feel the blood trickling down, out of his head, his eyes, his ears, his jaws. He didn’t care. He needed as much energy for this last battle.

But Confusion still didn’t move. He gazed off into the depths of the forest, until dawn started creeping in. Finally, his head cracked around, slowly, and his eyes were as confused as usual. Their deep, purple-patterns weren’t harmful, however. Quietly ― Kaari thought he almost imagined it ― his once-leader whispered something with a large amount of venom in his voice:

“Thank you.”

And then his leader started burning. Fire licked at his scales, starting with his eyes that had once taught him. Kaari watched, feeling fear cloud into his eyes. His leader was being lapped away by golden flames now. There was nothing left to do.

Orvar was amazed by Kaari. How could he have defeated such an army? Kaari broke the news to her about how they destroyed the entire Kingdom of the Sun. Orvar gasped, leaving her friends awestruck as well.

Their decisions were; going back to the Kingdom of the Ice, or going to the Kingdom of the Sun to help rebuild. Surely there were survivors?

And there were. After traveling all the way to the warm kingdom, they started with Sunny Commune. The tribe living there was frightened at first by their arrival, but not even Windystad would send spies to attack them in this situation. They stay for moons, helping out on rebuilding structures until they were almost back to normal. Kaari apologises to them, and they accept it. Now there was a truce between Sunny Commune and Windystad. Maybe peace was achievable afterall?

They reach the Kingdom of the Ice once more, back in the town of Windystad. They arrive well at night, and are fully anticipated for going to Battle Training the next day. When Limma, Sora and their friends go back to their sleeping caves, Orvar and Kaari stay out in the open field of snow. Without words, they could understand each other’s thoughts. After all, they were the same. They both laid down next to each other, huddling close since a long time, a few snow-covered trees offering them protection from the storm of thoughts raging over their heads.
