Friday, May 29, 2015

:: Random NPC—King Geoffrey ::

King Geoffrey (Gabrielle)
by Wm Jay Carter III, 5/23/15

Homeland: Toulouse
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Stature: Short
Physical: Big Nose
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Brown
Outwardly: Shocked
Inwardly: Apprehensive
Profession: Ewerer
Money: Well-Off
Catchphrase: “Oh, my! Yes, well, you don’t have to… That is, erm. Speak…! I command you!”

You enter the throne room and are immediately flanked by the royal guard. They cross their spears and order you not to look upon His Majesty. As soon as you avert your gaze, they lead you to the throne and order you to kneel before the king. As you kneel, staring at the plush carpet, the king speaks: “Oh, my! Yes, well, you don’t have to… That is, erm. Speak…! I command you!”

It’s said that every person has one other person who looks and sounds exactly like them. In King Geoffrey’s case, this person was his chief ewerer, who brought him hot water whenever he needed to freshen up. All the guards said the resemblance was uncanny; the same big nose, the same amber eyes and brown hair. Even his advisor agreed. The only catch? Geoffrey’s chief ewerer was a woman. Well, as they say, nobody’s perfect.

Still, Gabrielle was just right. For some time King Geoffrey had tired of speaking with his subjects every day, and longed to wander his kingdom as he pleased. So, for one day—and one day alone—he elected Gabrielle as his royal decoy, investing in her the right to speak her mind when discussing the matters of the people. And so he was outfitted as chief ewerer, and she as king.

As Gabrielle had never known anything but service to the crown, she was surprised to learn just how far-reaching the problems of the kingdom were, and shocked to discover the poor impression the king had left on his people. And so, timidly, she began to set things aright, fearful that at any time the guards might lop her head off where she sat.

But it was not so. Against her greatest fears, King Geoffrey approved. While he was out, he heard the many great things the people were saying about the one they took to be the king, and he immediately returned and made Gabrielle his new royal advisor (much to the dismay of the previous one).

Now, Gabrielle guides King Geoffrey’s hand with the people, ensuring that his relationship with them continues to flourish. And every now and again, when the king becomes weary of it all, she even gets to be king for a day.

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