Tuesday, October 24, 2017

:: Terra Incognita—Idea for a Future Post ::

Terra Incognita is Latin for "Unknown Land". It was used on old maps to label those areas that were as yet unexplored. With modern satellites, our concept of Terra Incognita is practically nonexistent as far as the Earth is concerned. We are even now filling in the gaps of our knowledge of Mars, and in the future we may even be able to explore the insides of Jupiter's icy moons. We can still look, as we Kansans say, "ad astra" ("to the stars"), and wonder about the unexplored places in our universe.

But what if, in Athanasia, there were actually a place called Terra Incognita... What would it have lurking in its jungles, and guarding its seas? Perhaps all those things people thought were there when they didn't know any better. An Athanasian Neverland?

To be continued...

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